Heroes Of NFT Airdrop Information



About Heroes of NFT Game

Heroes of NFT is a metaverse gaming environment where players can create their metasphere, roam the universe, interact and trade Avalanche NFTs with other users while enjoying play-to-earn games in battle arenas. While waiting in the lobby, players will also be able to play various games besides the initial one, Heroes of NFT.

  • GamePlay

The purpose of the game is to decrease the opponent’s health. But in order to make it easier to understand let’s imagine that you are a commander, and your opponent is a commander as well. You both have an army of Heroes. When there are no Heroes left defending the commander, it means that commander is open to any attack. Only Heroes can defend the commander, to the limit of their defense power and as long as they are put in the defense mode.

The never-ending possibilities will put competitors to the test of becoming a true strategist. While the in-game items will change the gaming pace drastically, future various game modes will allow players to experience different challenges. Users will confront each other in serious tournaments and the winners will get generously rewarded.

Wallet own-able spell cards, weapons, and cosmetics will bring heroes extra power and extra customisation options. Moreover, these items will be sold on the marketplace to bring more volume to the HON economics. PvP and PvE modes are rewarded separately with mintable HRM tokens while the real prizes are distributed in serious tournaments. HON token holders will designate the game’s future thus they’ll be the real game masters. Having all of these features, Heroes of NFT distinguishes itself from the others.

  • Value Generation Economy Model

Play-to-Earn games have an economically closed system. For this reason, any provided stimulus to play to earn an ecosystem is very crucial. That being said, in such closed systems, establishing dependencies between parties is very important for a sustainable economy. Therefore, a division of labor has been established alongside different roles in Heroes of the NFT ecosystem. With this innovative model, people don’t need to play the game but still can benefit from it.

Farmers: yield farming is a way to generate rewards in the form of additional HON tokens. While raising funds for the game economy, Yield farmers will also be shareholders of Heroes of NFT’s ecosystem and benefit from the generated income.

Gamers: fed up with “Pay-to-win,” these users are seeking the true play to earn experience. Expected to be mostly from younger groups and especially from developing countries, these players are a critical component.

Workers: a role designed for people who do not play the game as much as Gamers but want to generate income from the Heroes of NFT ecosystem. They spend AVAX to buy Hero character NFTs to stake together with HON token to generate HSP NFTs and HIT NFTs for the gamers.

$HON and $HRM Tokens Overview

  • HON token

This is the main indicator for the administration of the game. Holders of HON token will be decision-makers for the game’s future events. Hon token is hard-capped to 200 million tokens and will be distributed in 5 years of yield farming and single staking. NFT asset exchange over the marketplace will be based on HON token, in this way, one percent of exchanged HON collected again. Marketplace participation has a key role in stabilising the value of governance.

  • HRM token

P2E mechanics depend on Heroes Reward Money(HRM) in its essence. Its name defines the value generated by playing. Starting with PvP and AI-backed PvE modes, players can earn real value represented with HRM token by simply winning the rounds. HRM token is the main currency of in-game items, such that consumables, potions , and single-use power-ups. Besides, it’ll be used to enter serious gaming competitions as a fee. The spent HRM tokens will simply burn and create an opposite effect on HRM reward inflation.


Fundraise numbers:

Strategic Sale: 6M HON at 0.05 USD — $300,000 USD

Private Sale : 16M HON at 0.075 USD — $1,200,000 USD

Community Sale: 6M HON at 0.075 USD — $450,000 USD

Public Sales (Avalaunch, Rocket Joe): 10M HON at 0.10 USD — $1,000,000 USD

For a total raise of: $2,950,000 USD

Token Distribution:

  • Total Supply: 200M HON (100%)
  • Strategic Sale: 6M HON (3%)
  • Private Sale: 16M HON (8%)
  • Community Sale: 6M HON (3%)
  • Public Sale: 10M HON (5%)
  • Team: 30M HON (15%)
  • Advisors: 10M HON (5%)
  • Treasury (DAO): 5M HON (2.5%)
  • LP Rewards: 47.5M HON (23.75%)
  • Game Rewards: 47.5M HON (23.75%)
  • Airdrops: 2M HON (1%)
  • Marketing: 6M HON (3%)
  • Research & Development: 6M HON (3%)
  • Liquidity Provision: 8M HON (4%)

Vesting Schedule following TGE:

  • Strategic Sale: 7.5% at TGE, 60 days cliff, unlocked weekly over 16 months
  • Private Sale: 10% at TGE, 60 days cliff, weekly unlocks over 16 months
  • Community Sale: 50% at TGE, 30-day cliff, weekly unlocks over 4 months
  • Public Sale (IDO held on Avalaunch): 50% at TGE, unlocked weekly over 3 months
  • Team: 1-year cliff, unlocked weekly over 48 months
  • Advisors: 1-year cliff, unlocked weekly over 12 months
  • Treasury (DAO): unlocked weekly over 60 months
  • LP Rewards: unlocked weekly over 60 months
  • Game Rewards: 60 months linear upon staking and game launch
  • Airdrops: 100-day cliff, unlocked weekly over 12 months
  • Marketing: 5% at TGE, 90-day cliff, unlocked weekly over 17 months
  • Research & Development: 5% at TGE, 12-month cliff, unlocked weekly over 8 months
  • Liquidity Provision: 100% unlocked and discretionary. Team has committed 50% for TGE

Initial Circulating Supply and Market Cap:

The initial circulating supply is 10.65M HON with an initial Market Cap of 1.06M USD. *

*Liquidity tokens are excluded from these data.

Colony’s Investment

Colony’s allocation: 600,000 HON

Token Sale Round: Strategic

Price: $0,05 USD

The early-stage projects’ tokens that are airdropped to CLY stakers are from seed/private sale rounds, naturally, there are vesting schedules specific to each project. Thus, our community will be eligible to multiple airdrops from the so-called project depending on its vesting schedule.

Reminder: 80% of the tokens are airdropped to Colony’s Community, while the other 20% are used to expand Colony’s treasury to reinvest in other high-potential projects in the future. The 20% will be sold based on a vote of the Community when the DAO is implemented.

About Colony

Colony is a community driven accelerator, evolving into an inclusive DAO, to boost Avalanche’s ecosystem growth. Powered by a governance token: $CLY.

Colony will deploy capital within Avalanche on early stages projects, provide liquidity to DeFi protocols, maintain an Index on top Avalanche projects, and validate networks through stacking capabilities. The true sustenance and value generated by Colony’s investments is routed back to the Community through airdrops, a buyback mechanism, and staking rewards.




Ecosystem Accelerator: Inclusive platform powering early-stage projects & communities. Decentralized Fundraising, Liquid Vesting, & diverse Avalanche exposure.