I’M AFRAID TO ASK, WHAT IS Avalanche9000



If you have found yourself wondering, “What the heck is this Avalanche9000 everyone is talking about?” we’ve got you covered with an easy-to-understand breakdown.👇

What Is An ACP 🔎

ACP stands for Avalanche Community Proposal. Think of an open suggestion box in which anyone in the community can propose a concise plan for how the Avalanche network can be improved. If a suggestion gains enough traction within the community, it is scheduled to be implemented. This system gives control to community members, allowing the best ideas to rise to the top. It’s like a democracy, except it actually works!

The Burning Question: What Is Avalanche9000?🤔

Avalanche9000 is a marketing and incentive blitz that will roll out at the same time as Avalanche’s “largest network upgrade ever” on October 16th. This upgrade will make fundamental changes designed to drive growth in the ecosystem. Incentives like “Retro9000” and “Bounty9000” are aimed at encouraging developers to learn and work with the new and improved #Avalanche.

🔧 What’s Included?

The upgrade will include multiple ACPs (ACP-77, 125, 20, 103, 113, 118, 131) . These upgrades include multiple back end tools for builders and developers, such as a verifiable random number generator, warp signature request and more.

🚀 Major Changes Everyone Should Know:

1) ACP-125: Reduce C-Chain Minimum Base Fee from 25 nAVAX to 1 nAVAX

Transaction costs are being reduced by 25x. This cut not only makes more transactions feasible but also boosts Avalanche’s competitiveness against networks like Solana. Users can expect a significantly lower gas bill, making Avalanche even more affordable and attractive.

2) ACP-77 — Reinventing Subnets

This drastically lowers the cost of running an L1 validation (formerly known as a subnet). L1 validators are currently required to also validate the Mainnet by staking at least 2,000 AVAX, resulting in an upfront commitment of 10,000 AVAX ($240,000 at the time of this writing) for a 5 validator network. ACP-77 introduces a pay-as-you-go model, cutting significantly the entry cost to just 1–10 AVAX per month.

What does this change for developers? 🛠

Builders will be able to launch their L1s without having to commit large upfront costs. This, coupled with new incentives, will encourage more experimentation and innovation on Avalanche.
Another benefit of ACP-77 is that by eliminating the need to validate both the Mainnet and the L1, the computational needs can be tailored to each L1. This means L1s with lower traffic can use cost-effective solutions like Raspberry Pis for validation.

What does Avalanche9000 mean for Avalanche?🔺

The Avalanche vision has always been to create a network of thousands of interconnected, application-specific L1s. Avalanche9000 is the catalyst that will make this vision more possible than ever.

How will this impact the community and the industry as a whole? 🔭

With a lower barrier for developers to experiment, we’ll see more unique and interesting Dapps coming our way. This reduction in constraints will open up new opportunities for creative solutions. As more options become available, we anticipate more developers and users joining us on the Avalanche network.

🌟 The Future of Interconnected L1s

Interconnected L1s is an infinitely scalable solution that opens the doors to more application possibilities. For instance an L1 can launch without having substantial liquidity, leveraging a shared liquidity hub. This connectivity allows L1s to integrate to the broader network while remaining customizable to their specific needs, driving more optimized solutions and advancing Web3 to its full potential.

🌱 Growing together

COLONY remains committed to the overall growth of the Avalanche network, and we’re excited to witness the impact of these new features. We look forward to supporting both new and existing developers ready to take advantage of all the opportunities Avalanche9000 will bring.

📰 Discover more about Avalanche9000

To dive deeper into Avalanche9000, here are some suggested links.

About Colony Lab

Colony Lab: The community-driven Avalanche ecosystem accelerator, powered by $CLY.

We empower projects through decentralized fundraising and liquidity. Our inclusive platform offers the community diverse exposure and unprecedented access to Avalanche’s remarkable growth. Join us for seed/private sales investment opportunities and unlock a world of rewards, including airdrops, $AVAX incentives, and a share in platform fees.

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Ecosystem Accelerator: Inclusive platform powering early-stage projects & communities. Decentralized Fundraising, Liquid Vesting, & diverse Avalanche exposure.