Roadmap Update



Market trends and strategy remodelling to deliver upon our vision

In the wake of change and market volatility, many projects either thrive or fail to deliver. Some projects will take advantage of the situation, while others will blame the circumstances. But it all comes down to how well the vision is executed. The strength of a vision is in its ability to guide how a project takes on change, whether that change is predictive or unpredictable.

Understanding the vision and knowing when to pivot is key to a project’s success. Vision is not just a statement developed to aspire. It should be a beacon for guidance in both short and long-term decision making, strategy development and adaptation. Colony understands this fully.

Since our vision is to become the cornerstone to access the growth of the Avalanche ecosystem and to bring the highest added value to the community; we adapt to market trends, we take into consideration the users’ pain points and aspirations, and we remodel our strategy to deliver upon our initial vision efficiently.

Offering the average investor opportunities that were previously open to VCs / angel investors alone and building Colony’s inclusive DAO fully on-chain while adapting to market conditions, is a first of its kind in the entire crypto-space. With this comes great challenges, responsibilities, and a critical need for a robust secure infrastructure.

It is necessary to adapt, remodel our strategy and update our roadmap, to not jeopardise the global vision, efficient performance and secure infrastructure. Efficient performance comes from agile strategy and not the pursuit of short-term objectives and quick wins.

Colony Early-stage Feature Upgrade: Community Seed/Private sales direct investment

As you know one of Colony’s capital deployment strategies concerns investments in Avalanche early-stage projects and airdropping the projects’ tokens (for free) to the CLY stakers. This initial vision (V1) of the feature was a simple dashboard to effectively follow investments made by Colony and include voting, comments, ranking mechanisms (from the Community) on the entire process prior to receiving the airdrops.

During the 3 months following the deployment of Colony, the Early-Stage feature evolved into a much more complex mechanism offering a higher value creation to the community.

The integration of this upgrade (V2) is the result of Colony’s community feedbacks and the core team’s observations.

Beyond the free airdrops received from Colony, the Community will also be able to commit capital directly in seed/private sales of early-stage projects. Thanks to Colony, the average investor has access to early-stage projects before IDOs and can take part in the funding process in its most opportune phases. (Seed/Private rounds).

The Early-stage feature has been improved by introducing DeFi mechanisms enabling community direct investment, Liquid Vesting, and long-term incentives mechanisms. These improvements naturally implied a new staking contract with LP token mechanism (like JOE and sJOE) and a suite of smart contracts enabling derivative tokens creation automation, trading functionalities on the application, fee mechanisms to include penalties and bonuses to incentivize users to be long term supporters of projects building on Avalanche.

  • Key dates:

- Colony’s Staking contract V2 (with Unstaking penalty fees etc) will be live in April and a testnet campaign regarding the application Web2 interactions (deal-flow, upvoting projects, analysis, etc) will follow.

- Colony’s Web3 interactions (Nests, ANT tokens, etc) testnet will be available in May.

- Early-Stage feature entire deployment (Deal-flow, analysis, Investment committee, Colony’s Portfolio) will be live by Q3.

The testnet campaigns will offer the community a great opportunity to share their feedbacks and help us shape Colony’s protocol into a product that answers fully their needs. An airdrop of CLY tokens will be made to our community users who have tested these set of innovative features and completed all the required tasks.

Liquidity Provider Program

Colony already provided a total of 700,000 USD to boost Oh!Finance and Axial’s TVL during its first month of launch, cumulating the yield related to it to provide meaningful rewards to the community. And exciting news regarding Liquidity Providing in partnership with Yeti Finance were to be shared early Q1 2022 but Yeti Finance’s protocol postponed its launch to beginning of Q2. This partnership is a strategic one regarding the Liquidity Program rewards to be distributed to the Community.

A great vision should always support and deliver a sound strategy; if the rewards are postponed to Q2, that’s naturally due to market conditions and Colony’s hard commitment to seize the best opportunity.

Colony will always make sure to deploy capital in the most efficient way to create the greatest value possible for its community.

Validator Program

Colony aims to bolster the security of the Avalanche network by allocating capital to AVAX/Subnets and operating validator nodes. The Validator Program is presently in development to generate the highest organic APY on AVAX (V1). The plan is to replicate this model on the subnets’ validator nodes while integrating a liquid staking component (V2).

Colony is actively forming partnerships to become a key player in the subnets’ validator nodes ecosystem. As we’re at the inception of the subnets’ era, the release timeline for Validator Program V2 has not yet been specified.

Colony Avalanche ecosystem Index (CAI)

Colony during the last few months spent time building the perfect Index model for investors that are bullish on Avalanche’s ecosystem and are looking for exposure and gains well beyond just the AVAX token.

CAI provides exposure to the most prominent projects on Avalanche and additional yield is obtained passively through interest-earning protocols.

Why is CAI a first of its kind?

-Transparent, audited, dynamic on-chain execution.

-Diversified approach to gain global exposure and build performance on the Avalanche Ecosystem through a single token (CAI).

-Simplified process to access passive performance of the Top Avalanche projects ranked by Market Capitalisation without any management.

-Integration of Yield bearing mechanism to enable a true exposure to the value proposition of each Index constituent.

-On-chain leveraging & shorting capacity:

  • Up to 11x leverage on the CAI Index, in partnership with Yeti-Finance Protocol.
  • Capacity to short the CAI Index.

How will CLY stakers benefit from it?

The Index will take fees on minting, redeeming and on the total AUM (Asset Under Management). Part of these fees will be used to maintain the Index (adding more constituents over time, etc.) and another part will be received by CLY stakers. The details on the fees and the percentage rerouted back to the community will be shared once the Index is live.

Due to the complexity of the infrastructure of the Index, it is still under audit and will be live in Q2.

Undergoing Audits and Roadmap adaptation

Colony’s protocol is a first in the entire crypto space. Our inclusive DAO introduces a brand-new concept: Ecosystem Farming. We allow our investors, thanks to one coin ($CLY), to access the growth of an entire ecosystem (Avalanche).

Simply put, this concept introduces a four-sided innovative passive income with exposure to the entire Avalanche ecosystem through the simple act of staking CLY:

· Early-stage projects access (Direct investments in seed/private and free Airdrops)

· Liquidity Provider rewards

· Validator Program rewards

· Index fees

Due to the innovative nature of Colony’s concept and its complexity, the security audits are taking longer than expected to ensure that the smart contracts and the entire infrastructure are robust.

Our auditing partner is conducting a thorough line-by-line security audit (executed manually) of our project, ensuring it conforms to the latest standards and is immune to both common and uncommon attack vectors while also utilizing an extensive suite of static code analysis tools in the process.

Since security is one of Colony’s most crucial pillars, we will not rush the deployment of our innovative features without finalising the security audits and making sure to eliminate all security loopholes and evade vulnerability exposures in the application. For this specific reason, the deployment for example of the Early-stage feature (V2) has been pushed to Q2 2022.

The new roadmap overview will be shared in the coming few days summarising all the key dates shared in this article.

About Colony

Colony is a community driven accelerator, evolving into an inclusive DAO, to boost Avalanche’s ecosystem growth. Powered by a governance token: $CLY.

Colony will deploy capital within Avalanche on early stages projects, provide liquidity to DeFi protocols, maintain an Index on top Avalanche projects, and validate networks through stacking capabilities. The true sustenance and value generated by Colony’s investments is routed back to the Community through airdrops, a buyback mechanism, and staking rewards.




Ecosystem Accelerator: Inclusive platform powering early-stage projects & communities. Decentralized Fundraising, Liquid Vesting, & diverse Avalanche exposure.