A Colony for Developers

Published in
3 min readJul 3, 2019

We’ve released a new feature on our docs sitefor developers!


Developers cruising around the docs might notice a new little button on the upper right hand corner that says “Login”. Login to what?

The developer dashboard is a cool new way for us to help and support you, dear devs ❤️

Once created and connected to GitHub and MetaMask, your developer account will allow you to connect to your network of choice (Goerli or Mainnet), view colonies, and check your token balances. You can choose specific colonies to “watch”, and maybe in the future, see some at-a-glance network statistics.


That’s not it, however. We’ve got some bootstrapping to do.

We’ve created the first ever community colony on mainnet, built by and especially for developers working with and contributing to our developer tools.

This will be our testing ground for rewarding community contributions that embiggen the overall cromulence of the Colony protocol.

The new developer dashboard integrates with the developer’s colony, and with its internal token, CDEV.

If you are interested and able, use your linked developer’s account to make contributions to Colony repositories, and to earn CDEV for your good works.

Check the contribute page for “Help Wanted” issues in Colony open source projects, and see your accumulated tokens and reputation in the developer’s colony.

For now the CDEV token is just a token of appreciation — a developer’s upvote, if you will. Meaning is collectively created, however.


The developer dashboard was created to compliment the docs and open-source tools (such as Purser), all of which are community-driven and supported. The developer’s colony is how we’ll be organizing this community.

It may be an upvote for now, but we regard CDEV (and more importantly, Reputation in the developer’s colony) in high esteem. Tokens today mean a stake in the future of Colony open-source tools, and clout in future decisions to be made about where we go from here.

If you’d like to contribute to Colony open-source projects, you can dive right in by opening an issue or pull request on Github. Alternatively, post to Discourse with suggestions or feature requests, use cases, etc.

“Developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers.”
- Steve Ballmer

Colony builds tools for organizing and incentivizing teams, communities, and contributors. Join the discussion on Discourse, follow us on Twitter, sign up for (occasional) email updates, or if you’re feeling old-skool, drop us an email.

Originally published at https://blog.colony.io on July 3, 2019.

