Goodbye Medium, find us at the Colony Blog

Natalie Novick
Published in
Mar 18, 2024

You might have noticed we’ve been pretty quiet here on Medium for some time. That doesn’t mean we haven’t been busy. We’ve just shifted to publishing all of our writing and articles to our site, no membership is required.

We’ve moved all of our early blogs initially published here to our site so you can find everything in one place.

As we have for some time, we will no longer be publishing on Medium. Find our latest news, articles, and updates on the Colony Blog.

Between posts, be sure to join us on Discord or check out our latest on X.

Colony blog screenshot

See you there!

Thank you for following us and being a part of the Colony journey.



Natalie Novick
Writer for

Sociologist & social entrepreneur specializing in the nexus between geography, entrepreneurship and innovation policy. Current project: The Startup City