Introducing Color Kits in Healthcare Providers’ Offices

Color Health
Published in
2 min readMar 19, 2016


Simple and convenient. Those are the words that we use to describe our favorite products in our everyday lives. At Color, one of our top priorities is to build simple and convenient tools for healthcare providers so that they can efficiently get the genetic information they need for their patients.

Starting today, we are introducing Color kits in providers’ offices. This is a natural extension to Color’s recently launched Provider Platform, a set of easy-to-use tools that simplify the process of ordering genetic testing, monitoring progress and viewing results. With today’s launch, providers now have more options and can request Color kits for their office at no charge.

Three Options for Providers to Use Color

Healthcare providers now have three options to integrate Color into their practice. These options enable providers to give their patients a Color kit directly from their office or have the kit shipped to their patient instead.

  • Patient has Color kit mailed to them. Providers can place an order online or via fax and instruct their patient to purchase a Color kit from home. A Color kit is then sent to the patient’s home, where they can provide their saliva sample and mail it to our lab in a pre-paid package. This enables providers to save time by having their patients purchase a kit online.
  • Patient takes a Color kit home from provider’s office. Providers can place an order and send their patient home with a Color kit from their office. After their patient provides a saliva sample at home, they mail it to our lab in a pre-paid package. This option saves time in the office for both providers and patients.
  • Patient provides a sample in provider’s office. Providers can place an order and collect a saliva sample from their patient using a Color kit in their office. Providers then mail it back to our lab in a pre-paid package. This option is useful for providers who want to be more involved in sample collection with their patient.

Convenient and Fully Supported Provider Experience

Color has a dedicated genetic counseling and support team focused on ensuring a high-quality, efficient experience for providers and their patients. We are working to optimize each detail to ensure that the Color in-office experience is simple and convenient. Our genetic counseling team welcomes providers with an onboarding phone call or webinar. When a provider is running low on Color kits, our system knows the provider’s quantity preferences, and if a provider elects to have auto-replenishment, Color sends another set of kits automatically to the provider before they run out. Through these conveniences, our goal is to build simplicity into every step of the Color in-office experience.

Today’s release of Color’s in-office experience is one more step toward our mission to democratize access to genetic testing. We look forward to continuing to work closely with providers to find more ways to help them get the genetic information they need for their patients.

