Creation Groans

Color Wheel_Blue and Gold

Gail Nobles_The InkPost
Color Wheel


Romans 8:22 For we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now.

We look for calm seas and the golden sand. We should thank God for holding the land back from the sea. When we watch the news, we see how the global warnings affect the sea levels and how things change. There is trouble in nature. The more evil our world gets, the more destruction comes it seems. Animals are suffering, and people are suffering. If there was no wickedness in the human race, everything else would be in place.

Sometimes it seems as if summer doesn’t come on time and doesn’t seem to leave on time. The seasons seemed mixed and the trees bloom so early. Man is confused, and so many are unhappy with this troubled world. We try to go on and look for peace and beauty in nature. We try to live on in love. There is still hope, and there is still love. If there was no hope and love, the world probably wouldn’t go round.

