Ravenous Wolves

Gail Nobles_The InkPost
Color Wheel


Color Wheel — Brown

Gowl: means Howl or to Cry.

Everyday we meet ravenous wolves. Sometimes they are family members or just people we know. Have you ever seen a group of people just waiting around for someone to die in order to possess their land, money and home? Those kind of people will help you die. I just don’t see how people can want a person dead over things that do not love or talk back. There are people just like wolves. It’s a shame to describe some people as wolves. It is a wolf’s nature to be a wolf, but with human beings, it ought not to be so.

You would not think that somebody that has everything would be a wolf in that way. Some people are cold hearted and greedy. They do not believe in giving, and they do not seem to love. You may reach out to them with all of your heart, and it will never be enough for them. However, they will not remember you and what you have done. They will never acknowledge you or tell you thanks. Sometimes a cold hearted person will reward you nothing but evil. You may never please them, and they will take from you. Wolves can be many and come different ways.

(Matt. 7:15) Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

