Sealed Envelopes

Gail Nobles_The InkPost
Color Wheel
Published in
2 min readOct 21, 2014

Color Wheel — Blue

Today, I bring you an article in an envelope style unsealed. It is an article delivered to you free to read. The article is about sealed envelopes. They come through the mail the old fashioned way. Today we have Internet’s email, Twitter, and live chat messages. Everything is digital technology, and it’s not the same. We are loosing touch with the physical.

I’m thinking of those sealed envelopes I use to receive in the mail that were sent to me privately. I would check the mailbox everyday waiting for my favorite celebritiy to write me back. With a return address stamped envelope, I never received anything. Right this very day, some celebrities do not have anything to say to their fans even though it’s so simple just to mash a key to type a couple of lines through their computer to them.

It’s so nice when you know you’re going to get a check in the mail in a sealed envelope. Today, you can get money through PayPal without going to the bank to put it into your bank account.

Bill collectors try to get you to go paperperless. That means all of your history, statement, and info comes to you through your online account. I hate it because something could go wrong with your computer. It’s good to have the info on the computer, but it’s better for me to receive my mail the old —fashioned way. However, if my sealed envelope of info gets lost in the mail, the info will always be on the computer. Sometimes old mail and envelopes can pile up. The computer does help a lot.

There is nothing like an old letter you might find that was sealed in an envelope. Someone may have written you and told you how much they care. Written words from the heart on paper is something to cherish. To open and unseal the letter is exciting when you are anxious to hear from someone you haven’t heard from or seen in decades. You might hold their words to your heart, and you may put them back into your envelope that was once sealed. What the envelope holds inside is treasure and is always new.

