CSPD Officer Awarded “Unparalleled Community Impact Award”

CSPD Public Affairs
Colorado Springs Police
3 min readJun 28, 2019
Officer Waters (second from the right) receiving the Rocky Mountain Law Enforcement Federal Credit Union “Unparalleled Community Impact Award.”

“He poured his dedication into the time he was with the Domestic Violence /Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Unit. From responding to the scenes, follow-ups, interviews, trials, and overall being there for families, he is such a great example of what an officer should be and represent,” said Colorado Springs Police Department (CSPD) Victim Advocate Pam Mancini.

Her remarks were made at a ceremony earlier this week honoring CSPD Officer Matt Waters, who was presented with the Rocky Mountain Law Enforcement Federal Credit Union “Unparalleled Community Impact Award.”

Although Officer Waters transferred from the Domestic Violence /Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence (DVSA) Unit to the CSPD’s Tactical Enforcement Unit (SWAT), he still actively finds time to care for the survivors he previously assisted. He also remains close with a young girl battling brain cancer, who he met years ago at a “Shop with a Cop” event. While Officer Waters was part of the DVSA, he and his team had the opportunity to shop with this remarkable young woman named Hannah, and she has since become part of their family. To this day, the unit and her family exchange holiday presents, have regular visits, and remain tight knit. While she is close with all the members of the team, it is clear Officer Waters is her favorite. She even made the trip to see Officer Waters receive his award, sitting in the very front row.

Officer Waters, Hannah, and Ned (Hannah’s seeing eye dog). After last year’s “Shop with a Cop” event, Hannah created the drawings pictured above as Christmas gifts for the DVSA team).

In addition to showing immense support for his community, Officer Waters dedicates his time to lifting up other officers; most notably, friend and fellow Officer Cem Duzel. Officer Duzel, who was injured in the line of duty in August, is currently in a rehabilitation center in Denver. Officer Waters remains in constant communication with Officer Duzel and his family to ensure his fellow brother feels supported. To learn more about Officer Duzel’s status, please click here: https://bit.ly/2WYo9IK

Mancini, who nominated Waters for the award, concluded her speech by saying, “Officer Waters’ dedication to his work and his community is undeniable. He is not only an outstanding representative of law enforcement in our community, but he is also a great person.”

After Chief Niski presented Officer Waters with his award, the room erupted in applause. Immediately following the claps, a half-jokingly comment was made from the audience calling for Officer Waters to make a speech. Officer Waters turned towards the audience, and humbly said, “I know if any other police officer were to receive this award, they would say we’re just out here to help our community and our friends, and that’s exactly all I want to do.”

