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Rosen Colored Glasses
Colored Glasses
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2 min readAug 26, 2015

Congratulations! You have elected to become a follower of “Colored Glasses”, Medium’s newest online publication that was poorly thought through before establishment.

Of course, I jibe. Partially.

I believe that writing is a necessary tool for each of us to explore the world around us. To write is to unpack the myriad thoughts that pile up day in and day out. It declogs the sink.

Writing, of course, is also a necessary form of communication. One can jibber-jabber their thoughts ad infinitum, but where would they go? Now put that on paper (or screen, I obviously accept) and the thoughts suddenly carry weight. Thought is buoyancy; writing is gravity.

I say this as a precursor to why I have started “Colored Glasses”. For those who follow me on social media, you plainly see that I like to call myself some derivative of the phrase ‘rose-colored glasses’. All of us see the world through our own particular lens. Some hold tight to the Pollyanna rose hue; others maintain an inevitable blue outlook, overwhelmed by the doom and gloom that reaches us on a daily basis. For me, that lens is “Rosen-colored”, yuk yuk yuk.

For those able to ignoring my ignoble pun, allow me to continue. It is not yet clear to me what “Colored Glasses” will be. As the name and current photologo suggests, I am interested in a full spectrum of themes (*sigh* I just can’t avoid puns). “Colored Glasses” will present stories, essays, and insights that reach behind the headlines. It will offer unique perspectives on our world. It will not be the news, though the news may drive its themes. And most importantly, yes oh most exquisitely, it will not trot out the expected. There can be no black and white here. The world is far too colorful for that.

Now comes the point where I urge all of you to share “Colored Glasses” with your friends, family, co-workers, dogsitters, milliners, hair stylists, and local sustainable farm co-op members. But more than that, I urge you to begin writing. Especially for “Colored Glasses”. To start a publication alone would be…colorless.

So thank you for being the first to follow this spring chicken.

I close this letter — hopefully the first of what will be many to come — with a line from my favorite author, David Mitchell.

“Yet what is any ocean but a multitude of drops?”



Note: If you followed me after seeing my post on Facebook you may be wondering when you will be getting swag. Well, currently I have only 21 followers…not quite yet the 25 I need to begin. So, yeah, share! Also, side note, any thoughts on best ways to get swag to you guys. I guess I could just get your addresses…whatever, I’ll figure it out.



Rosen Colored Glasses
Colored Glasses

Author: Anders T. Rosen | Ask Big Questions | Remember the Small Things | Never Stop Learning