“Ar’Hat Er’Benu” (Eng.)

- Esher Cómics -

Esher Cómics


There are certain messages, teachings, legacies that are transmitted through the generations for the purpose of ensuring that young people do not lose themselves on the path of life, keeping the spirits of the communities alive and faithful to their essence. That’s exactly what turns humanity into a “Bennu”, also known as the Phoenix, an entity able to reinvent itself; capable of evolving, always respecting its original elements.
For the Homo Vitticeps, popularly known as “Wildnys”, the elderly are the incarnation of the memory of the Bennu, especially the one they call the “ARHAT”, he who is one with the Universe, he who will not reincarnate again.
Under his compasive leadership, the Wildnys live in peace, in full contact with the enviroment. They have developed clean energy sources that do not cause any damage to the ecosystem, and have provided themselves successfully.

But the dark shadow of PRINCIPIA grows and falls on what we did not know. When the venerable is disturbed, how strong could his retaliation be? Could the seed of the wise one, destined to a life of rites and spirituality, carry the title of the warrior, if the weight on its shoulders was big enough?
There’s one thing we know for sure: the faithful are still standing, intoning the prayer that characterizes them: “AR’HAT ER’BENU”; “Arhat, guide the Phoenix”.



Esher Cómics

Editorial argentina de cómics / Comic book publisher from Argentina