Combatting Growing Pains Through Superior Brain Power — Meet Our Third Advisor, Dr. Arutyun Avetisyan!

Color Platform
Color Platform
Published in
3 min readJun 5, 2018
Dr. Arutyun Avetisyan

Welcome to the third installment of the blog series introducing Color Platform’s illustrious advisors. Last time we met Dr. Vincent Gramoli, renowned blockchain researcher and leader who is developing record-breaking technology. Next in that list is Dr. Arutyun Avetisyan!

Arutyun has had a long career in technical study. He currently holds a PhD in computer science and a master’s degree in mathematics. Throughout his career, he has conducted a variety of groundbreaking studies on increasing the efficiency of distributed and parallel computing, software security, system architecture, and program analysis and transformation.

From supercomputers to cell phone processors, scientists and engineers continue to eke out ever greater computing power more efficiently, not just by packing more transistors into smaller areas, but by distributing the load between processors. This process can be seen on a macro level through processes like the blockchain and cryptocurrency mining in which processors are not just millimeters, but many thousands of kilometers apart but all must work as part of the same system.

These developments are why Arutyun’s research and informed leadership on distributed and parallel computing and system security and architecture are so critical. Not content to push forward the limits of purely theoretical knowledge, Arutyun also heads the Samsung Laboratory and the NVIDIA Research Center at the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Russian Academy of Sciences

Arutyun is currently the director of the prestigious Ivannikov Institute for Systems Programming at the Russian Academy of Sciences(ISP RAS), and also sits on the Council of the President of the Russian Federation for Science and Education. He also chairs the faculties of Computation Mathematics and Cybernetics at the Moscow State University, at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, and at the National Research University Higher School of Economics. In addition, he is the Editor-in-Chief of the journal “Programming and Computer Software” and director of “Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences(ISP RAS).” Arutyun’s long list of leadership positions stands as a testament to how his talent is not limited to technical excellence and that he has the vision and the foresight to help translate today’s technological discoveries into tomorrow’s applications.

We believe blockchain ecosystem holds great promise for the future. However, in order to continue developing and evolving, there will surely be complex technical challenges unforeseen by even today’s most forward-thinking engineers and theorists alone. With advisors like Dr. Arutyun Avetisyan guiding Color’s development, we will be well situated to take advantage of new technological developments and tackle new challenges to ensure the continued health and growth of the Color Platform ecosystem.

Have a Colorful Day :)

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Color Platform

Colorful dApp Platform. "Color" is a revolutionary blockchain platform that focuses on developing easy to use dApps (