ICObazaar experts have given Color Platform AA rating with 4.6 score!

Color Platform
Color Platform
Published in
2 min readAug 24, 2018

We have another great news today. ICObazaar, a globally renowned blockchain rating website has given Color Platform AA rating with 4.6 score!

ICObazaar evaluates the overall quality and viability of the product, team, and technical implementation behind. Since the rating is calculated with a weight-adjusted formula with five factors and a separate industry expert score, it’s tough to even receive grade A!

Then let’s take a closer look to see how Color Platform is scored from each category. Color website received 4.7, Color team 4.7, project idea and white paper 4.8, technology 4.0 and media activity 4.8. Overall, we received very high scores from most of the categories!

For detailed analysis of the score, check out ICObazaar — Color Platform page! Color team is powered up even more with positive feedbacks from the experts on ICObazaar. Stay tuned Color supporters, we will come back with more news!

Have a Colorful Day :)

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Color Platform
Color Platform

Colorful dApp Platform. "Color" is a revolutionary blockchain platform that focuses on developing easy to use dApps (https://colors.org)