Token Generation Event(TGE) Starts On August 22!

Color Platform
Color Platform
Published in
2 min readJun 28, 2018

The Color Platform has grand ambitions. We’re aiming to revolutionize the dApp world through the Color Development Kit(CDK) and provide bank-level transaction speed for every Color Coin (COL), which is why Color is developing dApps alongside the main Color Platform service.

In order to achieve this hefty goal, the Color Platform has announced a landmark partnership with ICTK. ICTK has a trademark PUF(Physical Unclonable Function) Chip technology that enables instant transactions. PUF Chips’ physically unclonable nature adds an extra layer of speed and security to the Colorchain Consensus Algorithm.

The Color Platform is in the process of integrating ICTK’s PUF Chips with the Colorchain software in a collaborative PoC (Proof of Concept) effort. In order to finalize the details in the newly established PUF development partnership, the Color Team has decided to update the TGE (Token Generation Event) date to August 22nd, 2018.

The Color Team understands the disappointment of delays. We for one, are eager to show the boundless technologies of the Color Platform. However, we are equally committed to ensuring that the Color Platform is legally compliant and built upon a sturdy legal foundation.

The Color Platform looks forward to unveiling its suite of products to the global blockchain community. Thank you for your continued support of the Color Platform.

Color Team

Have a Colorful Day :)

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Color Platform
Color Platform

Colorful dApp Platform. "Color" is a revolutionary blockchain platform that focuses on developing easy to use dApps (