We are happy to announce Aleph VC as a pre-sale investor

Colu Local Network
Published in
2 min readDec 5, 2017

Colu has been in the blockchain space since 2012, working on solutions to make development on top of blockchain easier. We have raised $12.1M from top VCs and investors who realized the potential in the technology. Aleph is one of our earliest backers, and now an investor in the CLN token sale.

Aleph is an early stage venture capital fund with $334 million under management. Aleph partners with Israeli entrepreneurs to help scale them into large, meaningful companies and globally recognized brands. Aleph is an Equal Partnership of Eden Shochat, Michael Eisenberg and Aaron Rosenson. Since its founding in 2013, the fund has invested in 17 companies including Houseparty, Wework, Windward, Nexar, Lemonade, Freightos and Honeybook.

The Aleph partners

4 years ago when only a few early adopters were familiar with blockchain, and the bitcoin valuation was $200, Aleph was vocal about these topics and strongly advocating them. To put their money where their mouth is, Eden Shochat, an equal partner at Aleph, announced a $50K bounty and presented a challenge -to reduce transaction costs on the blockchain.
Our CEO Amos Meiri won the challenge, but instead of taking the 50K prize, he received a seed investment in his startup.
Since that investment, the fund’s partners and team have provided great support and helped us on our mission “to change the way money is being created and used”. These days Aleph is backing us by investing in the CLN token pre-sale.

VCs are not the typical contributors when it comes to a token sale, but Aleph prefers to do things a bit differently.
Here is what Eden Shochat, who is also a board member of the Israeli Bitcoin Association, had to say:

We are very excited about the road ahead and look forward to working with the team at Aleph to make Colu the first to connect everyday purchases to a payment network that enables token based incentives.

Read more about the CLN and Colu’s token sale on our website.



Colu Local Network

The CLN is a new decentralized payment system for local communities, that changes the way money is being created & used, & brings cryptocurrencies to the masses