Museum of Symmetry — Paloma Dawkins + NFB Interactive

6 Immersive Things: Shepard Fairey’s AR app, an AI scripted short, VR horror and more…

lance weiler
Columbia DSL
Published in
4 min readNov 7, 2018


November edition of our monthly round-up of immersive things

The following is a list of immersive things that mix story, play, design and code.

At Columbia DSL we explore new forms and functions of storytelling. Through our programs, prototypes and events we strive to build collaborative spaces that push at the edges of the impossible.

Upcoming Columbia DSL fall events
11/5 Columbia DSL monthly meetup at the Film Society of Lincoln Center
11/14 –11/25 “A Dinner with Frankenstein AI” at IDFA in Amsterdam

Collaborators Wanted! We also hold monthly meetups at the Film Society of Lincoln Center and are currently building a global prototyping community.

We’re always searching for interesting immersive things. If you know of something that we should experience or if you’re interested in collaborating with us please let us know.

Return of the Obra Dinn — Lucas Pope

“Return of the Obra Dinn is a terrible advert for sea travel and a great recruitment tool for the insurance industry. A boat arrives in port, absent a living crew and with too few remains to represent the 60 passengers in the ship’s log. You’re an investigator who has to fill in the gaps by studying this vaguest of crime scenes. I always thought insurance claims to be unsexy work, largely about pursing lips and frowning at nervous people in plaster casts. How wrong I was. Turns out they have magic watches that let them revisit moments of death. I can’t believe career advisors fail to mention this. The watch even has a picture of a skull on it. Teenagers love that shit. The final piece of the puzzle is the log itself: a list of names, nationalities and professions, a plan of the ship, and some sketches of the crew dancing, gambling and hanging someone.” — Rock Paper Shotgun (h/t Rob King)

Museum of Symmetry — Paloma Dawkins + NFB Interactive

Museum of Symmetry is the explosive feel-good alter-universe of cartoonist and animator Paloma Dawkins — a room-scale VR experience with 2D animation in a 3D playground as never been seen before.

This young illustrator, who graduated from the prestigious NFB HotHouse program, has moved from comics and animation to video games to which she applied her fantastic landscapes and adorable creatures to create a surrealistic experience brought to life by the NFB and the rising Montreal’s studio, Casa Rara. — IX Daily

“DAMAGED” — Shepard Fairey

“Art icon Shepard Fairey is responsible for many people’s obsession with the medium, specifically when it comes to his renowned OBEY Giant brand. Now, the man who created one of the most recognized logos in contemporary art is now bringing it to the tech community, creating a new app that offers both a Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality experience to show off his latest exhibition.” — The Source

Progress Bar — RivetAI

“A new short film about a sci fi world in which virtual reality is the primary entertainment was co-written by RivetAI, a suite of AI storytelling tools developed on Hollywood film sets. RivetAI’s main features include tasks like script highlighting, scene mapping, and movie budgeting tools. But the headline grabber is the agile story generation, which uses Deep Learning to suitably create narration and dialog, which a human can then brush up.” — ZDnet

Observation — Stories Untold + No Code

“Stories Untold developer No Code — in conjunction with Devolver Digital — has revealed Observation, a contemporary sci-fi thriller in which you play a space station AI. It will arrive for PS4 and PC in Spring 2019.

Set on an Earth-orbiting facility, Observation sees players take control of SAM, an onboard AI, assisting crew member Dr. Emma Fisher after a mysterious event damages the station and seems to cause the rest of the crew to vanish. There’s also the small matter of a rogue signal with a simple message for you: “BRING HER”. — IGN

Delusion: Lies Within VR experience

“The 360 video version of the fan favorite Delusion story comes home in a meticulously crafted VR video thanks to Skybound and Samsung. If you’ve ever wondered what all the fuss around Delusion is about, this will start to answer the question.” — No Proscenium

Check out past Immersive Things editions
July | August | September | October

Interested in exploring new forms and functions of storytelling?



lance weiler
Columbia DSL

Storyteller working with Code - Founding member & Director of the Columbia University Digital Storytelling Lab - curates @creativemachines