Overcoming Barriers to Education and Healthcare Access in Pakistan: A Comprehensive Analysis

By Abeeha Qureshi, Global High School Fellow (New Milford High School ‘24)


Pakistan, being a developing country, is struggling to provide access to quality healthcare and education to its citizens. The country’s healthcare system is faced with several challenges, including poor governance, inadequate funding, lack of modern infrastructure, insufficient staff, and poorly trained healthcare providers. Similarly, the education system faces issues like poor governance, insufficient funding, and low quality of education. Over the past few decades, there have been changes in regulation in these sectors which progressively made things worse for the average citizen in Pakistan. Political corruption has created an unstable government that has led to a system with unequal distribution of resources and is increasing the poverty rate all around. Pakistan is home to over 220 million people, and many of them live in poverty. This has led to significant challenges in delivering adequate healthcare and education services to the entire population. Pakistan spends less than 1% of its GDP on healthcare, which is one of the lowest in the world. This means that many people cannot access essential medical services or afford basic medications. As a result, many people suffer from preventable diseases, and the mortality rate is higher than it should be. Additionally, there is a shortage of healthcare professionals in Pakistan. The doctor-to-patient ratio in Pakistan is around 1:1000, which is much lower than the World Health Organization’s recommendation of 1:100. This shortage is particularly severe in rural areas, where there are fewer healthcare facilities and doctors are less likely to work. Education is another area where Pakistan faces significant challenges. Over 22 million children in Pakistan are out of school, and many of them are girls. This is due to a combination of factors, including poverty, cultural norms, and a lack of government investment in education. Even for those who do attend school, the quality of education is often poor, with outdated curricula and a lack of resources. The poverty rate in Pakistan is high, with over 20% of the population living below the poverty line. This means that many families cannot afford to send their children to school or pay for healthcare. Poverty also has a significant impact on health, with malnutrition and disease being more prevalent in poorer areas. In rural areas surrounding Lahore, the capital of the Punjab province, the issues related to healthcare and education are often magnified on a larger scale. These regions are located far away from major urban centers and face significant challenges when it comes to accessing essential resources such as medical care, education, and food. While Lahore has a variety of medical clinics at different levels of care depending on the location and severity of the patient’s condition, rural areas often have limited access to healthcare facilities. This results in people living in these areas having to travel long distances to access medical care, which can be a significant financial burden, especially for those living in poverty. The shortage of healthcare professionals is also a significant issue in rural areas, exacerbating the already strained healthcare system. Furthermore, rural areas surrounding Lahore are also among the most poverty-stricken areas in Pakistan, which further exacerbates the healthcare and education challenges. The residents struggle to access basic needs, such as food and clean water, which can lead to malnutrition and other health problems. Lack of access to quality education is also a significant challenge for children living in rural areas, which can limit their future opportunities and perpetuate the cycle of poverty.


Pakistan’s healthcare system is marred by poor governance and underinvestment, which leads to poor health outcomes for the citizens. The country has one of the lowest government spending on healthcare in the world, with only 0.8% of GDP allocated to healthcare in 2021. This inadequate funding has led to a lack of modern infrastructure, inadequate staff, and poorly trained healthcare providers. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Pakistan has a ratio of only 0.8 physicians per 1,000 people, far below the WHO-recommended ratio of 2.3 physicians per 1,000 people. Another issue with the healthcare system in Pakistan is the lack of access to basic healthcare services, especially in rural areas. A majority of Pakistan’s population lives in rural areas, where access to healthcare services is limited. The healthcare facilities in these areas are poorly equipped, and the healthcare providers lack adequate training, leading to substandard care. The medical sector is split into three units: Basic Health Units (BHU) Rural Health Units (RHU) and Tertiary Health Units (THU). Basic Health Units typically have one or two doctors and are commonly used for child/adult vaccinations or childbirth. They usually have one wardroom used to see if the patient gets better over a few hours and if they do, they are sent to a local hospital for better treatment. However, it can be tough for those living in villages considering how far they can be away from the populated cities. Rural Health Units typically have medical officers, a laboratory, and small dental units. Tertiary Units have more specialized doctors such as pediatricians, anesthesiologists, surgeons, gynecologists, and multiple patient wards for overnight care. The government has taken some steps to establish BHUs in these areas, but the progress has been slow, and many people still have to travel long distances to get basic healthcare services. Moreover, the existing BHUs in Lahore face various challenges, such as a shortage of staff, equipment, and medicines. Many of these facilities are also poorly maintained, which further adds to the problems. As a result, the quality of healthcare services provided by these BHUs is often inadequate, and people have to rely on private healthcare providers, which can be expensive and unaffordable for many. On the other hand, tertiary care hospitals in Lahore face challenges in terms of overcrowding, inadequate infrastructure, and shortage of skilled medical professionals. The demand for quality healthcare services is high in Lahore, and many people from other parts of the country also come here for treatment. As a result, these hospitals are often overcrowded, which affects the quality of healthcare services provided to patients. The infrastructure of some tertiary care hospitals in Lahore is also inadequate, which affects the quality of healthcare services. For example, many hospitals do not have proper waste management systems, which can lead to the spread of infections and diseases. Additionally, there is a shortage of skilled medical professionals, particularly in specialized fields, which affects the quality of care provided to patients. In conclusion, Lahore faces various challenges in providing quality healthcare services to its citizens, particularly in rural areas and tertiary care hospitals. The government needs to take urgent steps to address these issues by establishing more BHUs in rural areas, improving the infrastructure and facilities in existing healthcare facilities, and addressing the shortage of skilled medical professionals.

Healthcare Policies Over the Past Years

Imran Khan, the past Prime Minister of Pakistan, had a long-standing interest in healthcare reform. During his time as a member of the opposition, Khan proposed several free healthcare laws that aimed to provide better healthcare services to the people of Pakistan. One of the most significant healthcare initiatives proposed by Khan was the Sehat Insaf Card program. This program aimed to provide free healthcare services to the poor and vulnerable populations of Pakistan. The cardholders could access a range of healthcare services, including free consultation with doctors, diagnostic tests, medicines, and surgeries. Khan’s party, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), also promised to build more hospitals and improve the quality of healthcare services during their election campaign in 2018. After assuming the office of the Prime Minister, Khan launched a nationwide health campaign to raise awareness about the importance of preventive healthcare measures. Under his leadership, the government of Pakistan also launched the Ehsaas program, which aimed to provide healthcare services to the poor and vulnerable populations of the country. The program includes various initiatives, such as the establishment of mobile health units, the expansion of the Sehat Insaf Card program, and the provision of interest-free loans for healthcare purposes. However, the current Prime Minister’s healthcare initiatives have faced some challenges, including the lack of funding and the COVID-19 pandemic. The government had to divert resources towards dealing with the pandemic, which impacted the progress of ongoing healthcare initiatives. Additionally, there have been concerns about the quality of healthcare services provided under the Sehat Insaf Card program. Many beneficiaries have reported issues such as long waiting times, inadequate facilities, and poor-quality of medicines. Imran Khan’s past free healthcare laws, including the Sehat Insaf Card program, aimed to provide better healthcare services to the people of Pakistan. He has continued to prioritize healthcare reform by launching new initiatives, such as the Ehsaas program. However, there are still challenges that need to be addressed to ensure that all citizens of Pakistan have access to quality healthcare services. One of the reasons why healthcare in Pakistan is not entirely free anymore is because of the country’s limited financial resources. Providing completely free healthcare services to all citizens would require significant financial investments that the government may not be able to afford. Moreover, the government has limited resources to allocate towards healthcare, as it needs to address other priorities such as education, infrastructure, and defense. Therefore, the government has implemented various policies to provide affordable healthcare services to citizens, including subsidies, tax exemptions, and insurance programs. Another reason for the limited availability of free healthcare services in Pakistan is the country’s healthcare infrastructure. Pakistan has a shortage of healthcare professionals, medical equipment, and hospital beds, which makes it difficult for the government to provide free healthcare services to everyone. While the government of Pakistan has implemented several initiatives to provide affordable and accessible healthcare services to citizens, the limited financial resources and infrastructure challenges have made it difficult to provide entirely free healthcare services to all citizens. Despite the challenges, Imran Khan’s government has taken several steps towards improving the healthcare sector in Pakistan. In addition to the Sehat Insaf Card program and the Ehsaas program, the government has introduced a new health insurance scheme known as the Kamyab Jawan Health and Life Insurance Program. This program aims to provide free healthcare services to low-income families and individuals who cannot afford healthcare expenses. The program also provides a life insurance cover of up to Rs. 500,000 to the beneficiaries. Additionally, the government has allocated significant funds towards the development of healthcare infrastructure in the country. As part of the Public Sector Development Program (PSDP), the government has allocated Rs. 21 billion towards the development of healthcare facilities across the country. However, despite these initiatives, the healthcare sector in Pakistan continues to face significant challenges. One of the major challenges is the limited availability of healthcare services in rural areas. According to a report by the World Health Organization, 70% of Pakistan’s population resides in rural areas, but only 30% of the country’s healthcare resources are available in those areas. This has resulted in a significant disparity in healthcare access between urban and rural areas, with rural areas facing a shortage of doctors, medical facilities, and healthcare professionals. Another significant challenge facing the healthcare sector in Pakistan is the lack of investment in healthcare research and development. Pakistan ranks among the lowest in the world in terms of investment in healthcare research and development, which has resulted in a lack of innovation and the adoption of outdated healthcare technologies. This has impacted the quality of healthcare services available to the people of Pakistan and has resulted in poor health outcomes.While Imran Khan’s government has taken significant steps towards improving the healthcare sector in Pakistan, there are still significant challenges that need to be addressed. The limited availability of healthcare services in rural areas, the lack of investment in healthcare research and development, and the shortage of healthcare professionals are just some of the challenges that need to be overcome. Nevertheless, the government’s initiatives, including the Sehat Insaf Card program, the Ehsaas program, and the Kamyab Jawan Health and Life Insurance Program, are steps in the right direction towards providing affordable and accessible healthcare services to all citizens of Pakistan. The government must continue to prioritize healthcare reform and invest in the development of healthcare infrastructure to address the challenges facing the healthcare sector in Pakistan.

Healthcare (Documentary)

The documentary, “Pakistan Healthcare System Documentary | H.S.TV”, sheds light on the stark reality of the healthcare system in Pakistan. It highlights the Basic Health Units and other facilities that represent the quality of the buildings and the dire situation in the villages. The Basic Health Units (BHUs), Rural Health Centers (RHCs), and Tertiary Units are the three types of medical facilities in Pakistan. The documentary depicts the interiors of these buildings, which reveal the lack of proper medical equipment and instruments. The rooms are small with very few windows and basic amenities. The conditions of the buildings, coupled with the lack of resources, made it challenging for medical professionals to provide adequate healthcare services. The documentary also showcases the quality of care provided in the BHUs, which are often used for child/adult vaccinations and small checkups. The BHUs lack the resources to cater to patients with serious illnesses, which leads to patients being sent to bigger facilities for proper treatment. This is particularly problematic for those living in remote areas, as they are far away from the main cities and resources. Many are forced to travel long distances to receive the medical attention they need, which can be a daunting and expensive task. In one of the villages, the documentary showed only one bed in the whole village, which was to be used to see if the patient’s condition worsened. If that were the case, they would be sent to a bigger facility. This is a concerning situation, as patients need immediate attention, and the lack of proper resources can lead to severe complications and even death. Furthermore, the documentary reveals that the disposal of medical waste is not done correctly in the Basic Health Units, and they have a cement-made “waste disposal” where they throw out used syringes and other medical supplies. This is a hazardous practice that could lead to the spread of diseases and infections.The village shown in the documentary had dirt roads and plain grasslands surrounding it. The old worn-down building across from the BHU had a well next to it from which they sourced their water. Although the village is far away from the city, the water is relatively clean to use. However, the unsanitary environment, lack of hygiene, and proper disposal of waste make it difficult to maintain good health standards.The lack of transportation and medical attention in multiple villages in Lahore and Punjab, in general, has left millions suffering due to their location and the poor quality of roads. The unsanitary environment and lack of proper medical facilities and equipment only exacerbate their problems.The documentary highlights the struggles faced by people in Pakistan when it comes to accessing quality healthcare services. The government needs to invest more in the healthcare system and infrastructure, particularly in rural areas, to ensure that everyone has access to basic healthcare facilities and services. The lack of resources and infrastructure is a severe problem, and the government must take action to address it. Improving healthcare in Pakistan requires a multi-pronged approach. Firstly, the government needs to allocate more resources towards healthcare to address the issues of limited infrastructure and lack of funding. The government should increase its budget for healthcare, which would help improve the availability of medical supplies and equipment, hire more healthcare professionals, and improve the quality of healthcare services. Moreover, it is essential to address the issue of corruption within the healthcare system. Corruption can undermine the effectiveness of healthcare policies and prevent the proper allocation of resources to those who need it the most. The government should take strict measures to ensure transparency and accountability within the healthcare system to prevent corruption. Another crucial aspect of improving healthcare in Pakistan is increasing awareness about the importance of preventive healthcare measures. The government should launch awareness campaigns to educate people about the benefits of regular checkups, vaccinations, and healthy living practices. The campaigns should target vulnerable populations such as women and children, who are at a higher risk of contracting diseases. Lastly, improving the healthcare system in Pakistan requires addressing the issue of unhygienic environments that contribute to the spread of diseases. The government should invest in improving sanitation infrastructure, such as waste disposal facilities, and promote better hygiene practices in public places. Pakistan’s healthcare system faces significant challenges, including limited resources, infrastructure challenges, corruption, and poor hygiene. However, by taking a multi-pronged approach that involves increasing funding for healthcare, addressing corruption, promoting preventive healthcare measures, and improving sanitation infrastructure, the government can improve healthcare services and ensure that all citizens have access to quality healthcare services.

Image: https://stmu.edu.pk/understanding-primary-health-care-visit-rhc-barakahu-and-tarlai-ict/


The education system in Pakistan has long been plagued with problems and challenges that have hindered its ability to provide quality education to all citizens. Despite the government’s efforts to improve the education system, the country continues to lag behind in terms of education indicators such as literacy rates and enrollment rates. One of the main problems in Pakistan’s education system is the lack of access to education, particularly in rural areas. Many children in these areas are unable to attend school due to a lack of infrastructure and resources, including schools, teachers, and learning materials.Another problem in Pakistan’s education system is the quality of education. Even in areas where schools are available, the quality of education is often subpar. Teachers are often underqualified and lack proper training, leading to a lack of effective teaching methods and an inability to engage students. Additionally, schools often lack basic amenities such as clean water, proper sanitation, and electricity, which further hinders the quality of education. Gender inequality is also a significant problem in Pakistan’s education system. Girls often face barriers to education, such as cultural and social norms, early marriages, and gender-based violence. As a result, girls’ enrollment and retention rates in schools are much lower than boys’. Furthermore, the education system in Pakistan suffers from a lack of funding. The government allocates a relatively small portion of its budget to education, which has resulted in inadequate resources for schools and teachers. This lack of funding has also led to a shortage of trained teachers, further exacerbating the problem of poor-quality education.In addition to these issues, there is also a significant disparity in the quality of education between public and private schools. Private schools often provide a better quality of education but are only affordable for a small portion of the population, leaving the majority of children to attend underfunded public schools. Despite these problems and challenges, there are opportunities for improving the education system in Pakistan. The government can increase funding for education and allocate it more efficiently to address the infrastructure and teacher training needs of schools. They can also work to improve the quality of education by developing and implementing effective teaching methods and engaging parents and communities in the education process.Moreover, addressing the issue of gender inequality is crucial for improving the education system in Pakistan. The government can implement policies that promote girls’ education, such as providing scholarships and incentives for families to send their girls to school. Efforts can also be made to address cultural and social norms that prevent girls from attending school. The education system in Pakistan faces significant problems and challenges, including a lack of access to education, poor quality of education, gender inequality, and a lack of funding. However, by addressing these issues and implementing effective policies, there is potential for the education system in Pakistan to improve and provide quality education to all citizens, regardless of their background or location.Pakistan’s education system has long been plagued with problems such as inadequate funding, insufficient infrastructure, outdated curriculum, and a lack of qualified teachers. As a result, the quality of education in Pakistan is generally considered to be below when compared to other countries, including the United States. In contrast, the United States has a well-developed education system that offers students access to quality education from an early age. The US education system is known for its emphasis on critical thinking, creativity, and practical skills, which prepare students for the challenges of the 21st century. There are several areas where Pakistan’s education system can be improved to provide better opportunities for students. One of the most significant issues is the lack of funding allocated for education, which limits the availability of resources such as books, technology, and qualified teachers. Increasing funding for education and ensuring it is properly distributed across all regions and schools in Pakistan can help to address this problem. Another area that needs attention is the outdated curriculum in Pakistan’s education system. The curriculum should be revised to include modern subjects and skills that are relevant to the current job market. Additionally, there is a need for more practical, hands-on learning opportunities and vocational training programs, which can help students acquire skills and knowledge that are useful in real-life situations.Teacher training and professional development programs need to be established to improve the quality of teaching in Pakistan. This can help to ensure that teachers are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively deliver the curriculum and engage students. Pakistan’s education system has a long way to go to meet the standards of other countries, including the United States. However, with adequate funding, a revised curriculum, and an emphasis on practical skills, Pakistan can provide better educational opportunities for its students and prepare them for success in the global economy.

Education Continued

Pakistan’s education system has been plagued with numerous problems and challenges, which have resulted in millions of people being left out of the system. One of the major issues is the lack of accessibility, particularly for marginalized communities such as women and rural populations. According to a report by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Pakistan has an estimated 22.8 million out-of-school children, the second-highest number in the world after Nigeria. This means that a significant proportion of Pakistan’s population is not receiving any formal education, which is a major cause for concern. Another problem with Pakistan’s education system is the quality of education. The majority of schools in Pakistan lack basic facilities such as clean drinking water, functioning toilets, and electricity. Many schools also lack qualified teachers and adequate teaching resources, which means that students are not receiving a high-quality education. Additionally, there is a heavy emphasis on rote learning, which does not encourage critical thinking or problem-solving skills. Furthermore, Pakistan’s education system is also plagued with issues of corruption and nepotism. Many government officials and politicians use their positions of power to benefit their own interests, rather than improving the education system for the benefit of the public. This has resulted in a lack of transparency and accountability, which has further contributed to the problems in the education system. However, despite these challenges, there is hope for the future of Pakistan’s education system. The government of Pakistan has taken several initiatives to improve access to education and address the issues of quality and corruption. One such initiative is the Education For All (EFA) program, which aims to provide access to education for all children in Pakistan by 2015. Additionally, the government has launched the Prime Minister’s Education Reform Program (PMERP), which aims to improve the quality of education by providing better facilities, qualified teachers, and improved curriculum. Moreover, the government has also implemented measures to encourage private sector investment in education, which has resulted in the establishment of several high-quality private schools and universities. This has increased competition and provided students with more options for pursuing higher education. However, to truly address the problems in Pakistan’s education system, there needs to be a concerted effort by the government, civil society, and the private sector. The government needs to allocate more resources towards education and ensure that they are being used effectively to address the issues of accessibility, quality, and corruption. Civil society can play an important role in advocating for education and holding the government accountable for their actions. Additionally, the private sector can play a role in providing innovative solutions to the challenges in the education system. Pakistan’s education system is facing significant challenges and needs urgent attention from all stakeholders. While there have been some positive developments, much more needs to be done to ensure that education is accessible, of high quality, and free from corruption. By working together, we can create a brighter future for the millions of children in Pakistan who are suffering due to the flaws in the education system. In order to improve the state of education in Pakistan and make it accessible to the millions suffering from a lack of quality education, there needs to be a concerted effort from the government, private sector, and civil society to work towards meaningful reform.One of the first steps the government can take is to allocate more funding towards education. Currently, Pakistan’s education budget is low compared to other developing countries, and the majority of this funding goes towards salaries and administrative costs rather than improving infrastructure, providing resources for students, and training teachers. By increasing funding for education, the government can improve the quality of education in public schools and make it accessible to more students. In addition, there needs to be a focus on improving the quality of teaching in Pakistan. Teachers need to be provided with better training and support, and incentives should be put in place to attract and retain qualified teachers. Many teachers in Pakistan are not adequately trained or qualified, and this is reflected in the quality of education provided to students. The government should also work towards improving teacher salaries, as low salaries can lead to teachers seeking additional income through private tutoring, which can further perpetuate inequalities in education. The government can work towards creating more equitable education policies. Currently, many of Pakistan’s education policies are designed to benefit the elite, leaving the disadvantaged populations behind. The government should work towards creating policies that ensure that all students, regardless of socioeconomic background, have access to quality education. Finally, there needs to be a focus on increasing access to education for girls and women in Pakistan. Gender disparities in education are stark in Pakistan, with many girls not receiving an education due to cultural, economic, and security-related reasons. The government needs to work towards creating a safe and supportive environment for girls to attend school, providing transportation and other necessary resources to overcome barriers to education.

Government Regulation

Pakistan is a developing country with a rapidly growing population, and it is facing many challenges in the healthcare and education sectors. The current situation is alarming, and future changes must be brought to these sectors before things get worse. Urgent action is required to address the pressing issues and bring about a positive change in the country. Healthcare is a fundamental human right, and it is crucial for the wellbeing of the people. Unfortunately, Pakistan’s healthcare system is facing several challenges, including inadequate funding, insufficient infrastructure, and a shortage of healthcare professionals. The healthcare system in the country is overwhelmed, and the quality of care provided is below par. The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the inadequacies of the healthcare system in Pakistan and has exposed the vulnerabilities of the country’s healthcare infrastructure.One of the most significant challenges faced by Pakistan’s healthcare system is the lack of funding allocated for healthcare. The government spends a meager amount on healthcare, which limits the availability of resources such as medicine, equipment, and facilities. This results in a shortage of healthcare professionals, who are forced to work with limited resources and provide substandard care. The government must increase its spending on healthcare to improve the infrastructure and make healthcare accessible to all.Additionally, the shortage of healthcare professionals is a critical issue that needs to be addressed urgently. The country has a low doctor to patient ratio, and the shortage of nurses and other healthcare professionals exacerbates the problem. The government must invest in training programs and incentives for healthcare professionals to attract and retain qualified personnel. This can help to improve the quality of care and make healthcare accessible to all.Similarly, the education sector in Pakistan is facing several challenges, including inadequate funding, outdated curriculum, and a shortage of qualified teachers. The education system is struggling to provide quality education to the masses, and the quality of education is below par. The future of the country’s youth is at stake, and urgent action is required to bring about positive change in the education sector. Inadequate funding for education is a significant challenge faced by Pakistan. The government spends a meager amount on education, which limits the availability of resources such as textbooks, technology, and infrastructure. This results in overcrowded classrooms, insufficient facilities, and a shortage of qualified teachers. The government must increase its spending on education to improve the infrastructure and make quality education accessible to all.The outdated curriculum is another challenge faced by the education system in Pakistan. The current curriculum does not prepare students for the challenges of the 21st century and does not provide practical skills that are useful in real-life situations. The curriculum needs to be revised to include modern subjects and skills that are relevant to the current job market. Additionally, there is a need for more practical, hands-on learning opportunities and vocational training programs, which can help students acquire skills and knowledge that are useful in real-life situations. The shortage of qualified teachers is a significant issue that needs to be addressed urgently. The country has a low teacher to student ratio, and the shortage of qualified teachers exacerbates the problem. The government must invest in teacher training and professional development programs to improve the quality of teaching and attract and retain qualified teachers. Pakistan is facing several challenges in the healthcare and education sectors. Urgent action is required to address the pressing issues and bring about positive change in the country. The government must increase its spending on healthcare and education to improve the infrastructure and make quality healthcare and education accessible to all. The healthcare system must be strengthened, and the shortage of healthcare professionals must be addressed urgently. Similarly, the education system must be revised, and teacher training and professional development programs must be established to improve the quality of teaching. The future of Pakistan depends on the actions taken today, and it is essential to bring about positive change before things get worse. It is evident that bringing about positive changes in the healthcare and education sectors of Pakistan is crucial for the country’s development and progress. Without addressing these pressing issues, the country risks falling behind and failing to provide its citizens with basic human rights. Urgent action is required to bring about positive change, and the government must take bold steps to allocate more funding, revise the curriculum, and invest in training programs for healthcare professionals and teachers. By doing so, Pakistan can ensure a brighter future for its citizens and pave the way for a prosperous and successful nation.

The Bigger Picture

A nation that boasts a rich cultural heritage and storied history, has unfortunately experienced significant challenges in its healthcare and education sectors for far too long. The lack of investment in these sectors has had a devastating impact on the people of Pakistan, with many lacking access to basic healthcare and quality education. The current state of affairs is dire, and both the government and its citizens must accept responsibility for the present circumstances and act swiftly to effect change before the situation deteriorates further. The healthcare sector in Pakistan is in dire need of attention, with many individuals perishing due to the absence of basic medical facilities, and children not receiving necessary vaccinations, leading to preventable illnesses. Witnessing parents struggling to provide adequate medical care for their children is heart-wrenching, and the government’s failure to address this matter is unacceptable. Urgent action must be taken to prioritize healthcare, including investing in the necessary infrastructure, hiring and training medical personnel, and prioritizing preventative measures to ensure that basic healthcare is available to all citizens. The education sector in Pakistan is critical for the nation’s future, yet the quality of education is subpar, and many children in remote areas have limited access to schools and educational resources, which significantly reduces their opportunities for a better future. Education is a fundamental right, and every child should have the chance to learn and grow. To achieve this goal, the curriculum must be overhauled, and investments should be made in better facilities and educational resources. Teacher training programs must also be prioritized to ensure that our children receive high-quality education. It is not sufficient for the government to merely make pledges or allocate funding. As citizens, we have a responsibility to ensure the future of our country. We must prioritize healthcare and education in our communities, support our local schools, and hold the government accountable for its actions. It is imperative that we band together to demand change for the sake of future generations. The plight of our fellow Pakistanis is a heart-wrenching sight, but we must remain hopeful for the future. By working collaboratively, we can bring about positive change. We owe it to our children and future generations to provide them with a brighter tomorrow. Therefore, we must act now to invest in the healthcare and education sectors and provide the necessary resources and opportunities for all Pakistanis. Let us unite and strive for a brighter future for our beloved Pakistan.


https://www.aninews.in/news/world/asia/pakistan-government-asks-shehbaz-sharif-to-pr ovide-medical-reports-of-nawaz-sharif-within-10-days20220125074625/

https://www.pakistangulfeconomist.com/2022/08/29/education-in-pakistan-problems-chal lenges-and-perspectives/

https://tribune.com.pk/article/97626/de-schooling-a-solution-for-millions-of-out-of-school children



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