Swiss People Are Way Too Polite

We could learn something from the Germans.

Karin A. R. Taglang
Column Chaos


Illustration by Christian Dorn

Switzerland is neutral. Swiss people are nice and polite. A Swiss person would never call you out for doing something unfair in public.

German people do.

I recently went to a German post office to post a package to Finland. It is way less expensive to send packages from Germany rather from Switzerland because we’re not in the EU, and that’s entirely our own fault.

Having done the same thing before, I knew there would be a long line at the post office. I decided to go a few minutes before the office even opens. I had training after and needed to be there at 9 am.

The office opens at 8:30 am.

So I got up early, stuck my package under my arm and hurried to the post office at 8:15 am.

When I arrived 11 minutes before opening time, there were already six people queuing. I sighed and stood in line like the polite Swiss person I am.

At 8:26 am, a woman dressed all in black and with a hectic hairstyle rushed in and stared at the queue in disgust, which now counted 16 people.

“Excuse me”, she said to the lady who was first in line. “I have an appointment later, do you mind if I stand in front of you?”



Karin A. R. Taglang
Column Chaos

Freelance writer with a weakness for cats and coffee. I write about productivity, writing, studying, and literature, while trying to live my best slow life.