The Power of Being Unexpected

A joyful Ryanair experience that shows how humour can make a normally crappy time, memorable

Jim Ralley
3 min readJan 27, 2020


Every few months we run a comedy night in London for our pals at Sanctus called That’s Mental. We programme newbies who we have trained, alongside pro comedians off the bloody TV.

When Willy was flying to London from Berlin for our September edition, That’s M3ntal, he had an experience that showed the power of comedy to make normally crappy or neutral situations into delightful and surprising ones.

Willy teaching some newbies how to tell jokes in Berlin

So Willy boarded the plane to London

He sat down and the flight attendant began his spiel:

Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Nick and I’m your chief flight attendant. On behalf of Captain Smith and the entire crew, welcome aboard.

So far so normal.

This is the 14:35 Ryanair flight from Berlin Tegel to Malaga. Where the temperature is a balmy 28 degrees.

Big pause. People look around at each other.

They thought they were going to London.

They’re on the wrong plane.

What the fuck is going on?

…Ha you WISH you were going to Malaga. This is the 14:35 flight to London. Where the temperature is 14 degrees and it’s raining, of course. At this time, make sure your seat backs and tray tables…

Everyone cracked up laughing. This guy, Nick, had taken one of the most boring, soulless elements of flying, on the airline that everyone loves to hate, and absolutely flipped it, to the delight of the passengers.

Ryanair flight attendants. Such jokers.

He kept up the gags throughout the flight too.

We’ll shortly be coming through the cabin with duty free items: alcohol, electrical good, and perfume. Yes that’s right I AM smelling good tonight. You’ve probably noticed my amazing scent as I’ve been walking up and down the aisle this afternoon. That’s CK One and it’s available from just €15 today…

So Willy had a great flight, and he went around for days telling people how great his Ryanair flight was.

What can this experience teach us?

Be Unexpected

The world is largely full of derivative crap. People using the same old terms or jargon words to describe the work they do or the job they have. People wearing clothes they think they need to be wearing, or acting in a way that they think they should be acting.

How dull.

Be unexpected.

In business as well as in life. Tell the passengers how great you smell. Joke with them about how cold and wet their home country is. Be the announcer on the train who brightens up everyone’s commute. Be the leader who gives people permission to be human by swearing a little or wearing flip flops to work one day.

Be the company that tells it how it is, without recourse to jardon and buzzwords. Speak in plain English, and with wit and humour and lightness so that your personality shines through.

Be bloody human and let your weirdness fly free 😉

And if you’re in London, come to That’s Ment4l on April 1 in Soho. Ticket link coming soon.

Such a smart bunch.

