🌈 Transgender issues and life as gay 🏳️‍🌈

Some struggels of being a gay men vs a straight men and transgender facing more sexual violence.

Shreyash Bohara
Combating Sexual Harrasment
4 min readJun 19, 2018


Picture from Washingtonian.com

In this episode I interviewed, Brian Patchisky, Director of Penn State LGBTQ Center (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer)

In this episode wherever we mention coming out or came out it,

is a metaphor for LGBT people’s self-disclosure of their sexual orientation or of their gender identity. — Wikipedia

Here is the podcast and the questions that we discussed.

  1. Could you touch a little on transgender community and how are their struggles different than lesbian or gay?



denoting or relating to a person whose sense of personal identity and gender does not correspond with their birth sex.

Trans issue are really about gender. Its about who are they in the world.

Trans folks are facing the higher number of discrimnation and violence and trans folks of color have even higer sexual violence.

2. There is already a lot of stigma for sexual violence for binary genders. What would be some stigma for transgender community?

When someone breaks the mould of gender or how we have defined sex there is a reaction. It ranges from someone trying to prove their birth sex, there is micro aggressions or names.

All these little things cycle up and might feel like they don’t fit what the world has told about gender.

3. What is a polite way to ask someone if they’re gay or straight?

If in a friendship someone is not out yet and friends might be wondering on who they are. A good conversation starter could be talking about postive news regarding gay community.

4. How is life of gay men different than straight men?

Brian has twin boys and going through the family planning process is not simple when there are 2 men. Its the microagression in many ways.

Brian had mentioned something about the kids to a nurse and nurse asked what does your wife do. Some forms would not have the ability to put his husband as the partner. The world is setup for heterosexuals and it is getting better. Its not comfortable in doctors office to come out because you don’t know how they would react.

We never have to come out and tell that I’m straight.

5. I grew up in India and masculinity in our culture is viewed as strong, dominant. What would be your recommendation for people who are struggling with this stigma?

Its important to see people who think about masculinity traditionally to be vulnerable and think that maybe my way is not the right way.

We don’t want people to know everything but want people to respect as a person.

6. What makes it hard to come out?

Will people still connect to me?

If I say this truth, will I lose my community and culture and its the fear.

Safety is also a big concern because people know about trans violence from the media.

7. I’m reading news articles,

LGBT Students Face More Sexual Harassment And Assault, And More Trouble Reporting It

What can people around the victims do to make them feel better?

Really think about empathy. Before giving suggestions really listen and just listen. Victims will tell what they need and you help them provide those things.

You have to help them giving control back to them. And also by asking simple question, can I get you coffee or tea? By making simple choice they start to make first choice.

Its not about you at that moment, its about them.

Please check out this podcast where we talked about, things to say and not to say to a rape victim.

8. Have you ever felt any concerns that straight men don’t feel?

Sometimes its having things thrown at Brian and his partner. Brian talks about other incidents and its best to listen the podcast.

9. What can we all do to support people who are in LGBTQ+ community?

Read on news, just know what is happening, continued education is really important. For folks who are currently in LGBTQ+ and struggling,


Here is the previous episode,

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Shreyash Bohara
Combating Sexual Harrasment

Hey I'm Shreyash. I enjoy filmmaking, storytelling and talking to people. Connect with me on Twitter and Facebook @shreyashbohara