What Have We Done in 2019? What Will We Do in 2020? — Combient Foundry

Combient Foundry
Combient Foundry Updates
3 min readDec 16, 2019

It’s been a busy year for us at Foundry; we offered startups 33 Venture Client cases to acquire global customers out of KONE, Husqvarna Group, Stora Enso, Scania and Fazer. We doubled our team in size, moved into our new office, and something? — and we are just getting started.

What Have We Done?

In 2019, we welcomed Husqvarna Group, Scania and Fazer to join KONE and Stora Enso into Foundry. With them, we offered 14 Venture Client cases to acquire global customers out of these companies. Many of these cases are bubbling below and about to reach maturity. The moment they are ready to be unveiled to the world, we’ll have the story for you!

Out of the newcomers, joined Stora Enso on . The case is a unique customer co-creation case to build new business with venture-backed startups. This is a first-time collaboration between two Combient companies where the parties looked to find development synergies in a field where both have an equal stake in, albeit with different focus areas.

To finish off the year, we went all out at Slush in Helsinki. We organized The Next 100, the leading industrial gathering at Slush 2019, invited 118 startups to meet with case teams from Husqvarna Group, KONE, Saab, Scania, Stora Enso, and Wärtsilä at our private event venue in the heart of Slush. Read more about the project .

As said, our team has doubled in the last 12 months. With many new things happening here, Foundry needs more team members to help startups find new corporate customers. That being said, in case you hadn’t noticed, we are hiring! Check out the position on or feel free to get in touch with Lauri on lauri.lehtovuori@combient.com for more info.

What’s Going to Happen Next Year?

Across all our activities, we have presented 33 business cases for development with startup partnerships. For these, we’ve screened hundreds of startup profiles and applications from virtually all over the world, invited dozens of them to meet the company teams face to face, with multiple discussions moving forward, starting work on pilot projects and developing partnerships even further.

The progress we have made this year makes us extremely proud. Expanding our offering to a much larger base of startups and corporations has been the most validating opportunity throughout the year. It has also presented us with opportunities to learn more and expand upon our activities in the future. We are eager to move into the new year and continue putting these lessons into practice.

We’ll be back again next spring, launching new opportunities for yet another wave of startups to acquire global corporations as their venture clients. We will also be expanding our operations in China. More about this later… Speaking of which, we are also looking into finding new ecosystem partners to help better our offering in locations outside of the Nordics. Do you happen to represent one? Hit us up if you’d like to have a chat!

We’ll be back in January ahead of the Venture Client Cycle launch. Want to stay informed on when we go live with new cases? Be the first to know and leave your info with us

Originally published at https://combientfoundry.com on December 16, 2019.



Combient Foundry
Combient Foundry Updates

We are the Venture Client Alliance of 35 global industry leaders. We partner with the best-in-class startups from around the world to transform industries.