How to Create a Content Marketing Strategy in 8 Easy Steps | Come Alive Content

Amy Batteram, MPH, RDN
Come Alive Content
Published in
3 min readAug 3, 2020

As a digital marketer in the health space, I believe that all marketing plans need to incorporate a content marketing strategy to some extent. Why? It continuously demonstrates who you are, what you stand for, and the expertise you bring to the health-focused industry. Without a doubt, learning how to create a content marketing strategy correctly can produce dramatic results and organic website traffic that demands attention online. But it takes time and focus to become effective at it. But remember it takes time to show real results so be patient and persistent.

In this post, I will dive into what the heck a content marketing strategy is, why your health-focused business needs one, and the 8 simple steps to get the job done!

The What and Why of Creating a Content Marketing Strategy for Health-Focused Businesses

1. What is a content marketing strategy?

Content marketing is the art of communicating with your prospective clients or patients without having to sell to them. It will build trust, authority, and humanize your brand. A solid content marketing strategy fits like a puzzle into your overall marketing plan. It refers to the creation and management of all tangible media you create, such as written (blogs and Ebooks), visuals (infographics and photography) audible (podcasts/videos), you name it, my friends! One would say, why do I need all of this content? Well, everybody learns differently; therefore, we need to communicate the same idea in different ways in multiple channels.

This works. Why? Because you are not just attracting visitors to your site and then leaving them alone to hopefully buy something, but rather sending a clear message that speaks their “language” and solves their problem. THAT is the “secret sauce.” Therefore, your reader thinks “wow this company really gets me. I need them in my life!”

2. Why do all health-focused businesses need a content marketing strategy?

Research from Google shows that content is critical in the patient journey to researching and choosing a health professional. Most people start with general health-related google searches vs branded searches initially. While I think showcasing your credentials is important (trust me, I am also a Registered Dietitian with my Master’s in Public Health and THAT was hard work for those little letters), but most people don’t focus primarily on the letters behind your name. They want to know how you helped people just like THEM. This is why segmenting and finding your target market is essential when developing messaging for your content marketing strategy.

Plus, there are SO many self-proclaimed health experts in the market right now. Am I right?! With so many mixed messages about immunity, digestion, COVID, or cancer-related topics coming from the media and other health professionals. How do you stand out? Give the people what they want. ANSWERS to their problems. Focus your content on the patient/client and their needs or fears. This is far more effective in building trust and authority with your future customer versus creating content about your services. Many people run to google to seek out answers and you can be there front and center (given your SEO and google ranking is top-notch!)

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Check out the entire blog with the 8 steps and free downloadable workbook by visiting here:



Amy Batteram, MPH, RDN
Come Alive Content
Editor for

Hi, I’m Amy. Functional Nutrition Dietitian + Digital Marketer. I help professionals and businesses redefining healthcare become discovered online.