Sam Hayes
Comedy Corner
Published in
2 min readOct 6, 2014


I just feel like they are.

When someone shows me their x-ray, I feel like I shouldn’t have seen it.

So I say, “Hey, bro, I know we’re close and all, but your x-ray’s hanging out. You better tuck that thing in before you get arrested or something.”

Or sometimes, “Hey babe, nice bones.” Seeing a girl’s x-ray may be even more intimate than seeing her naked. It’s layers and layers deeper.

Bones man, they’re inside of you.

I’m not the only one who feels this way. It’s been proven. By science.

Does anyone else find this image hilarious? Keep looking at it, maybe you’ll start laughing.

And in another way, by creepy dudes—you ask a group of guys what super power they’d like to have, and one will always grin, “X-ray vision for sure.” But we know what happens with x-ray vision—you don’t just get to see people naked, you see them super naked, all the way down to the bare bones. Does that turn you on? What if some dude actually got x-ray vision? “Yo, check out this chick—” he would say.

“Yeah, what about her?”

“Hot man. Hot.”

“Really? That’s an overweight senior citizen.”

“But she’s pumping calcium for sure. I’m in x-ray mode. Super hot bones.”

Sam Hayes // For more like this, follow me // m: @samhayes ~ t: @samwhayes ~ i: @sambunctious

