Upcoming Webinar: Experiment Management — Rethink your ML Workflow

Gideon Mendels
Published in
1 min readDec 3, 2019

Speaker: Niko Laskaris, Data Scientist

Running machine learning initiatives is difficult. Why? It is not possible for data scientists and teams to manage reproducibility, loss of IP, visibility and tracking with existing workflows. It is time to rethink the machine learning workflow.

During this webinar, Niko Laskaris, will discuss machine learning experiment management and how platforms like this can help data science teams track, compare, explain and reproduce their ML experiments leading to improved team collaboration, productivity, and visibility.

This webinar is for data scientists to learn:

  • What is machine learning experiment management
  • How a tool like Comet.ml actually works and how it can benefit data scientists
  • Why software engineering practices don’t work for machine learning

Register here



Gideon Mendels
Editor for

Co-founder/CEO of Comet.ml — a machine learning experimentation platform helping data scientists track, compare, explain, reproduce ML experiments.