
Vaibhav Miholia
Published in
5 min readApr 10, 2017

As I live and breathe, I am ecstatic to introduce all of you to a new age platform to empower the education system of India

Comezo is a cloud based platform for schools, teachers, students and parents where they can use the tools devised by us for them to enhance their efficacy, productivity and produce desirable results.

With the core need to make the course of education of a child as efficient as possible , fruitful and most of all sensible ; we are assuaging the archaic teaching and parenting methods with more progressive and conceivable ideas.

The idea of education is being presented as a candy wrapped in all sorts colour. The world is entering in a new age which is going to be governed on the principles of artificial intelligence. A world not far from where we are currently at has married technology and accepted it in all its entirety, that world will be truly wonderful or dangerous. I would say it will be wonderful as well as dangerous because machines might or will replace humans in the professional space and in the aspect of intelligence it already has ( with the examples of IBM’s Watson beating humans in the game Jeopardy and continual show of invincibility of Google Deepmind’s AlphaGo ).

Education won’t be left far behind , there are companies which already are developing data driven cognitive technologies which will enable personalised education and improve outcomes for students, educators and administrators. Imagine an assistive environment for teachers where they are just guiding a child through his/her educational life. The curriculum and tests are auto-adjusted according to learning pattern of the child given the past educational, behavioural and psychometric data is well documented in the system. But this is a distant future and what we have today in our hands is present and power to transform our immediate future.

With the platitude of companies out there in the real world, we do not want to succumb ourselves to the narrow expectation of the larger population to be proved bogus, money-leeching and just another star in this universe of charlatans.There are players in the Indian market which are technologically enabling schools with ERPs, reformed course materials, a little bit of analytics based on students’ academic performance and some are doing a very pretty good job in that aspect.

We, being students coming fresh out of the education system, crying out loud to be evolved for the better good of society , for the best interests of India , understand that there is an urgent need to have a system in place where not only students but the teachers are also held equally accountable for what actually a student is able to grasp. It is indeed what we believe will prove to bring a sea of change in the outlook of education. Not providing a mere analytics based on students , not tailoring the course curriculum and professing it to be effective in learning process of a child.

In all of this process, teachers bear the brunt of failing to deliver the expectation at times. As they carry this huge responsibility to teach children every aspect of a particular subject. In the absence of correct and effective tools & methods, the teachers might fall short of the expectations.

What indeed matters is the extent of education being imparted in students, whether or not an appropriate amount of time is spent in teaching a particular topic, whether or not equal amount of effort is being imparted by students as well as teachers to understand different ideas.

We already have education boards which are infusing a considerable amount of energy in framing and curating course curriculum for schools. There might be a possibility what these players are professing about the effectiveness of their course material might be true but it also doesn’t simply means that the course material in the text books devised by education boards is difficult to perceive.

We have the correct tools in our hands, well defined course curriculum, a perfect platform called school where students are coming to get educated and there are teachers which are present to guide them, help them and tutor them in this process. But how efficient is this process and system , we need to find out that first and then go about making changes and professing transformation of the education system.

In India, every single parent sees the dream of providing the best quality of education to their children so that they can go out and take this world head on. In this process they spend a lot of money and time just to get this thing right somehow.

Even though our education system is well planned and highly effective as compared to the ones in different parts of world, it somehow fails in one important aspect of providing career guidance to students. They get entangled in the vicious web of society that the best career path for them is to either be an engineer or doctor or if the student has no interest in science then there is economics. But the world is too big and these ideas too shallow to even survive the tides of time and evolution.

With the goal to make that Indian parent’s dream come true and to equip the students to choose the best career path by themselves , provide a tool to the schools to administer the deliverance and imparting of education and the last but not the least, to devise effect and time saving tools & methods for teachers so that these four pillars of education stay strong which will in turn lay the foundation of such a bright future which will surpass everyone’s expectations.

For more about what’s going on in real-time and to know more about us and our product, go to our webpage or follow the team on Facebook and Twitter. And also hit ❤︎ so that we can reach out to more people.

