Worshiping Through The Psalms Part II

Worshipping God When You Feel Lost (Psalm 42–43)

Christopher Hoskin
Comfort and Hope


I hope you took the time to think about your “why me, God” moment. The moment where you felt most distant from God and questioned where He was in that circumstance. The time when you felt most alone and desperate. Since I have asked you to think about those difficult times in your life, it only seems fair that I share my most challenging moment when I was desperately in need of God.

On November 4, 2010, my life forever changed when a distracted driver struck me head-on at 55mph. While on the way to pick up my youngest sister from high school, one of the other students, who had just left the school, lost control of his vehicle and crossed over into my lane, striking my car head-on. Since we were both traveling roughly 55mph, the total impact was the equivalent of hitting a wall at 110mph. I briefly lost consciousness, and when I came to, I struggled to breathe and quickly realized that I had numerous injuries. To make matters worse, my Mom was also in the car with me, and I awoke to find her unconscious and non-responsive. I was not sure if she was still alive or not, other than the moments when she would scream out in pain. Because of my injuries, I couldn’t do anything to help her.



Christopher Hoskin
Comfort and Hope

Writer | Speaker | Christ-Follower | Theologian | Investor | Tech Addict | Bibliophile. (B.A. Religion VCU/MDiv Regent University). www.comfortandhope.org