Framework Fans vs. Framework Bros

comiCSS cartoon for May 13, 2024

Alvaro Montoro
May 21, 2024


Two versions of the same 4-panel comic showing the same situation: a person receives a message on their phone and says ‘Oh! The developer of that framework you like is trending’, a second person smiles waving a flag with the text ‘That Framework’. Then the first person looks shocked at the phone that shows a message with emojis for fire and angry people ‘Oh… Oh no…’ says while reading the developer’s hot take. The last panel is different in both parts. In the first one (titled Framework Fans

This cartoon was inspired by Pizza Cake Comic, which was published on Reddit. I also added a link in the source code.

The fact that the Framework Bro ends up with the (old?) colors of Tailwind’s logo is just a coincidence.



Alvaro Montoro

Full-Stack Software Engineer, Mobile Developer, Web technologies enthusiast. CSS aficionado. Twitter: @alvaro_montoro