Technical Support

comiCSS cartoon for May 20, 2024

Alvaro Montoro
May 21, 2024


Cartoon of a person wearing a headset in front of a computer, replyng to a phone call. The conversation is about how the caller is having issues when translating an element horizontally, it moves fine, then drops to the bottom rapidly. The technical support person asks the caller to open the dev tools and look for other animations. The caller replies ‘I will do it right meow’ shocking the technical support, who asks ‘are we talking about CSS?’ The last panel is a drawing of a cat pushing a glas

This was a silly idea that was so-so implemented. I still love the absurdity of the underlying joke. CSS is tangential to the joke but helps with the story flow.

Things I learned coding this cartoon: I don’t know how to draw cats.



Alvaro Montoro

Full-Stack Software Engineer, Mobile Developer, Web technologies enthusiast. CSS aficionado. Twitter: @alvaro_montoro