Comic Thoughts — DC or Marvel?

Published in
5 min readOct 26, 2016

Goku or Vegeta?

Kendrick or Drake?

Larry Bird or Magic Johnson?

DC or Marvel?

Questions like these have plagued social media for years. We all have seen people blocked, unfollowed and sent for spam because people do not agree on opinions. We decided to ask ourselves the same question that destroys the social-sphere, which company had a better year, Marvel or DC?

Which side are you on?!

Simply put, who has put out the better material in 2016, Marvel or DC?

Peter Parker — I’ve had to think about this question 3 times — DC Comics has given us three good animated films, Suicide Squad, and Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice and the whole entire Rebirth continuity with Stardom titles such as Batman, Superman, Hal Jordan and The Green Lantern Corp, Aquaman, The Flash, and Wonder Woman. Down the line DC has been consistent book wise, film wise they’ve had their good points but a lot of mixed reviews on each film. DC’s Animated Film department has been kicking on all cylinders delivering great titles such as Justice League vs Teen Titans, and then my personal favorite Batman: Bad Blood. Now, Let’s speak on Marvel’s behalf: Their Live Action Film category has been astonishing and flat out amazing, Starting off Phase 3 with Captain America: Civil War which was a great film and followed by the film Doctor Strange. Comic wise, Marvel has been pretty consistent with material but the Current Civil War 2 arc hasn’t met it’s full potential and reached it’s expectations. Animated Films? Well, i can’t really find anything good to say for the category but my final verdict: DC Comics.

Sage Terrence — 2016 has been DC Comics Year as a whole. We’ve gotten the lukewarm to surprisingly okay start to the DC Extended Universe with Batman V. Superman and Suicide Squad under their belts with two insane releases in the body of Wonder Woman and Justice League next year. This year also revealed DC has a trick or two up its sleeve with their comic book side! “DC Universe Rebirth” captured everything people love about DC and the comic line across the board has never looked better. DC TV finally has all of the television shows that matter on The CW (Dare to Defy), with Supergirl, The Flash, Arrow, and Legends of Tomorrow all sharing the same home now….the road to the 4-Way Crossover Event is inching closer and closer to happening. DC has absolutely floored it this year.

Lynx — From the beginning of the year, I initially thought nothing was going to stop the Marvel train. Secret Wars Vol. 2 ended off with a bang creating a refreshed Marvel Universe that cleaned up some of the minor messes of 2015, Marvel Comics maintained a strong hold on comic book sales stemming back from 2014 and with Captain America: Civil War leading the box office as a critical smash, I thought Marvel was Teflon. Batman vs Superman & Suicide Squad were okay starts for the DC Movie Universe (I thought they weren’t THAT bad) and DC Comics kept afloat by major titles like Batman, Justice League & Harley Quinn (Seriously…yes Harley Quinn) but the tables turned in Summer Sixteen. DC brought forth their best material in years with “DC Rebirth”, creating a revamped universe that combined old & new readers alike. DC also brought excitement with trailers for Wonder Woman & Justice League (Flash FTW). Marvel lagged with an over-hyped up event Civil War II and numerous extra titles (Gwen-Pool…). Final verdict for me, DC with the slight edge because of their strong finish to the year.

How did DC take over comic sales in the past 5 months? Do you think it will sustain?

Peter Parker — Well, before the New 52 concluded, we we’re given Story arcs named: Trinity War, and Forever Evil. Those story arcs lead right into one of the main points that went into Rebirth: Justice League: The Darkseid War. That Arc lead us all into the funneling point of the future for DC comics. A month after, DC Rebirth’s one shot released and it changed the whole entire shape of the DC universe as which Flashpoint did during it’s release year. We are not back at a point to where DC has started to focus on it’s heroes and bringing over heroes from another arc named Convergence. So as those titles lined up and DC Rebirth released it all came to clarity for a lot of readers. Sustaining their consistency, DC will have to push out their direct focuses on each story arc they are telling. Currently, Batman, All-Star Batman, Superman, Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corp, and The Flash have all managed to keep readers attention along with Harley Quinn as well. I’m honestly excited for their future because of the possibilities they have with their future stories as well.

Sage Terrence — DC has taken over comic sales because they’re digging deep and seeing what worked and what didn’t in The New 52 Era. Titles are stronger, Creative Teams aren’t being dropped and added every three seconds, and most importantly…they aren’t throwing events that last a lifetime and using the events as justification to increase the prices for tie-in titles and the like. With the strength of letting Writers and Artists tell a story they want to tell plus having a larger, all encompassing mystery spread all over the DCU, fans are hungry for what DC is selling.

Lynx — I have to agree with Kellen & Terrence cause it’s quite simple, DC Comics won with great marketing and an amazing price point. Each book under Rebirth is $2.99 and ships TWICE a month. While this could have been a revenue disaster for DC, it has re-energized the franchise with rising sales. DC Rebirth also has increased their sales by having set writers and artists for titles that needed a jump-start (Green Lantern, Superman & Suicide Squad). I think DC will maintain through 2017, Marvel is resurrecting their X-Men franchise but until DC lower’s their price point, DC Comics is coasting to the top.

Which comic series should people read from BOTH Marvel & DC?

Peter Parker — Easy

Marvel: Champions

DC: Batman

Sage Terrence — If you had to be reading one title at DC Comics right now, it’d have to be Superman. Plain and simple. Superman has had one of the more major changes in the wake of Rebirth. The Pre-Flashpoint Superman is a family man. He’s in a new and strangely familiar world with his Wife Lois Lane and the newly christened Superboy. The title has everything from gorgeous visuals, heart, to some action packed adventures on Dinosaur Island. It’s one of the resounding leaders of the DCU Rebirth.

Marvel on the other hand has so many worthwhile titles it’s hard to pinpoint but above all…Sam Wilson: Captain America is one of the premiere titles you have to be reading. It has everything you could ask for in a comic. Social Commentary, an old character getting new light, and new twists and turns for the 616 at large. Sam Wilson has become one of the fresher faces in the 616 and his solo series has proven to be one of the smartest titles out with a message behind it.

Lynx — Simple

Marvel: Black Panther (T’Challa x Internal Problems = Great Story)

DC: All Star Batman




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