Mutants Embrace Soft Power in Marvel’s X-Men #4 — Could It Lead to Their Downfall?

Bharathi Monika Venkatesan
Comics’ Features
Published in
2 min readJul 16, 2023


In the latest issue of X-Men, mutants seize the global stage as they attend the World Economic Forum in Davos to present their vision for a new world. Led by Professor X, Magneto, and Apocalypse, the mutants reveal their mastery of soft power, learned from humanity’s long history of using persuasion and influence to achieve their goals. While mutants have always possessed immense raw power, their lack of a cohesive cultural base has left them fragmented and unable to resist humanity’s dominance.

However, with the establishment of the unified mutant nation-state, Krakoa, things have changed. The mutants are currently working on creating their own unique society, complete with a language, technology, and even a primitive kind of religion. This newfound soft power base puts them in a position to rival humanity’s influence. Utilizing their wealth from Krakoan medicines, mutants plan to invest in the global economy, gradually taking control of institutions like banks, schools, and media to disseminate their culture and end the vilification and persecution they have faced for centuries.

Magneto, ever the charismatic leader, claims that mutants can achieve this shift without resorting to war, as they have learned from humanity how to take control without raising a sword. However, not all are convinced. Critics argue that the mutants may be adopting unethical tactics, resembling the very monsters they once fought against. By trading violent ways for the peace of Krakoa, they have taken on humanity’s worst qualities, potentially jeopardizing their own moral high ground.

The mutants’ rise to power has not gone unnoticed, and humanity is now united in opposition to their newfound dominance. This may lead to future conflicts and challenges, potentially leading to the downfall of Krakoa and the mutants’ dreams of a new world.

As descendants of humanity, mutants have inherited both their strengths and worst qualities. While they strive to build a better future, they must tread carefully and not let their actions mirror the oppressors they once fought against. Their newfound soft power may bring prosperity, but it also carries the potential for destruction if they lose sight of their original goals.

X-Men #4 delves into the complex dynamics of power, morality, and the consequences of seizing control. As mutants navigate their path forward, readers are left to ponder whether their ambitious aspirations could ultimately be their own undoing. Only time will tell if Krakoa’s utopian vision will stand the test of humanity’s resistance and if the mutants can truly transcend the sins of their ancestors.



Bharathi Monika Venkatesan
Comics’ Features

Indian wordsmith spinning enigmatic tales. Unveiling secrets through my mystery short stories. Unravel the unknown with every page turn. #MysteryWriter