[3] I thought I was a civil engineer

Abdullah Pharaon
<coming in from the code/>
2 min readNov 12, 2014


“am i doing a disservice to my engineering degree”

“am i abandoning my 5 years of education.”

At my interview at Bitmaker Labs, I was answered:

“no, think of it as finding tech solutions to construction industry problems, better yet, any industry”

Good convincing skills bitmaker admissions team. well done. i was convinced.

This was further solidified early on in the bootcamp itself.

“am i abandoning my engineering education?”

my answer now is,

“hell nah”

Being an engineer (civil in my case), you are most certainly not starting from scratch. you might even have a leg up if i dare say.

how do you construct a structure? well, you break down the process into the simplest repeatable, consecutive steps.

how do you formulate an algorithm? well, pretty much along the same lines.

therefore, my realisation is, an engineer can easily pick up the software development concepts. the ability to recognise patterns and construct the logic behind them is not an entirely foreign concept.

engineering, more than anything, taught a way of thinking. and this way of thinking is absolutely relevant for developing software.

if the stars align. and you’re an engineer reading this post. and you have your doubts. stop thinking about it. take the leap, that is, if my opinion has any bearing on your thought process.

it took me a while to get out of the “I studied this so must do that” mentality” myself.

Now, i’m adding to my skill set, not replacing it.



Abdullah Pharaon
<coming in from the code/>

civil engineer turned software engineer turning nature conservationist