What Is Your Highest Love?

Uzy Okoye
Coming Om
Published in
2 min readJan 27, 2016


Take a moment to pause and think about how you spent your time this week.

Perhaps you went to work or school, caught up with friends, or visited the gym. Then, there’s the time you may have spent watching television, checking your social media, or browsing the internet.

Now, pause a few moments more to think about what you LOVE. What excites you the most? What grounds you, grows you, and makes you want to jump out of bed every morning. For many of us, that something is a hobby or a person. It could also be a feeling or some form of service. What is it for you?

Family. Helping people. Music. Creating art. Your partner. Popularity. Health. Freedom. Your job. Animals. Power. Teaching. Yoga. Traveling. Comfort. Feeding the hungry. Pleasure. Money. Strength. Writing. Social media. Dancing. The list goes on.

So now you have two groups of things: the first being what you spend your time on and the second being what you love.

Do they match up?

If the ultimate goal is to live a conscious and intentional life, showing up authentically — in regard how we make decisions — isn’t something we can get around. To be fully intentional is to make each and every decision on purpose, based on what we want to have (or keep), how we want to feel, and what we dream of creating in the future. With that comes being honest and genuine about what we truly want. Often we profess to love something, but invest little to nothing into it. We choose repeatedly not to honor our highest loves. We neglect our talents, our passions and our people. We hold back on expressing gratitude and appreciation for those very things. Instead, we spend our time climbing the wrong ladders and pouring our energy and attention into what may be convenient or easy. What we’re left with is a false declaration to ourselves and others about what we value the most. What we’re left with is a large investment, but in the wrong account.

Why not try something different?

When deciding how we’re going to spend our time, let’s start with love and go from there.

And let’s start now.

You can also find me at Coming Om.



Uzy Okoye
Coming Om

Marketer | “Don’t speak unless you can improve on the silence.”