Personal Note: A Pause in My Opinions

Dear V,

I am still planning on writing my opinions on Thor: Ragnarok, Black Panther, and Avengers: Infinity War. For those of you wondering, YES! I was able to watch all of the films and see Infinity War in the theater.

But now, I have a bit of a problem. My husband wants to go through all of the Avengers movies and then watch Ant-Man and the Wasp because, unlike me, he didn’t watch all 18 movies and then watched Infinity War in the theaters. Needless to say, he was rather confused.

So we’re going back and watching the movies… again, for me. For him, some of them will be for the first time. I’ll probably add a few quips and things that I didn’t notice the last time into other pages and then we’ll see what I actually missed during those movies, now that I’ve seen them all.

So, be patient and as kind as you ever are, and I shall write new opinions for you to read and enjoy (as I always hope you do).



Kari J. Wolfe
Imperfect Clarity: Book & Movie Thoughts & Reviews

Never-ending student in the realms of writing fiction/nonfiction and telling stories. Hopeless wannabe equestrian learning from a distance.