Agora Financial Copywriting Method

Comistar Global
Published in
4 min readSep 25, 2019

This blog post was first published on our blog at

In this blog post, we’re going to cover something we learned a few years ago from a mini-course we bought from a marketing guru named Todd Brown. We think he’s one of the best marketers out there, so we encourage you to google him and check him out. The mini-course was about a copywriting method Agora Financial (a direct-selling giant whose sales letters make hundreds of millions in revenue) uses to draft its offers. There’s nothing complicated about this method and any business can use the same process, but it’s a lot better to have a clear process to writing your offers instead of winging it. As you may assume, this applies to any part of the business. Without further ado, let’s get right into it. Here’s the method you can implement and apply starting today:

PS! Read these 5 copywriting formulas here to learn more techniques of writing a captivating copy.

The most important part of any sales letter is the offer itself. What is it that you offer to the clients? What is it that you sell? What are the benefits that you offer to the client? What’s your hook, the thing that grabs the attention of the potential buyer, so they would go through the whole sales page? It needs to be compelling.

1. Headline/benefit

For example, we work with Estonian e-residency companies and we’ve got different services, including accounting. So one of our sales pages could be headlined like this:

“90% of the e-residency companies increase their profits by at least 40% in six months using our Three Account System.”

The offer page starts with the headline. You have to grab the attention and generate interest with your headline. Otherwise, everything that follows is useless, because no one is reading this.

2. Objections

Write down all the objections your potential clients may have about your offer. For example:

Why should I trust you?
Who are you?
Would the Three Account System work with my business?
What is the Three Account System?
90%? How did you measure it?
How much does it cost?
Is it worth the effort?

3. Order the objections

Once you’ve got all the relevant objections you can think of, then put them into the order of importance. What do you think is the most crucial for the client, which objection should you address first to convince and convert the prospect?

For example:

1. What is the Three Account System?

2. Does it work in my business?

3. How much does it cost?

4. Is it worth the effort?

5. 90%? How did you measure it?

6. Who are you?

7. Why should I trust you?

4. Sub-headlines

Once we’ve ordered the objections, we’ll start creating the sub-headlines. They can be something like this:

1. What’s the Three Account System (TAS)?

2. TAS works for any company in any industry.

3. TAS increases your bottom line without increasing your expenses.

4. Case studies — how TAS has helped our clients in the past.

5. Our core business is to know the numbers of the businesses we work with.

6. Helping clients to grow their businesses since 2013.

7. Official partners of the e-Residency program.

5. Content

These are not the best sub-headlines, but you get the point — for each objection we’ll have a section on the offering page, which has its own sub-headline. This way, you’ll be addressing each potential objection the prospect may have.

This is the whole system for building a structure for your sales letter/offer. As promised, there’s nothing complicated at all, but it’s a structure, a clear process.

  • Your offer/headline
  • Objections
  • Order the objections
  • Sub-headlines
  • Content

Don’t forget, after you have the content, there has to be an offer. The offer should include:

  1. What your clients will get when they buy from you.
  2. Functions and benefits of the product/service.
  3. Price
  4. Bonuses (added value for the price)
  5. Risk-reversal / money-back guarantee etc.
  6. Reason to act now.


It seems simple and logical, but there’s a reason why copywriters get paid a lot. It’s difficult to write content that sells. However, it’s easy to follow a concrete system and improve what you’re doing today. You won’t be writing killer headlines off the bat, but in time, it will get better. We don’t write killer headlines or sales pages at Comistar, but we practice and we use systems. Systems are everything in business if your end goal is to have a business that works for you, not vice versa.

Comistar provides business, legal and tax support for e-residency companies. Our core focus is on Fintech licensing, e-commerce companies, blockchain industry and affiliate marketers. We’ve been operating for over 5 years and have helped more than 300 companies to get started in Estonia.

