Is Your Company Dying?

Comistar Global
Published in
2 min readOct 14, 2017

You know the famous saying that your business is either growing or it is dying?

It’s true. It’s the law of nature. Nothing stands still.

Here’s the problematic part though: When your business is growing, it can still be dying.

Even if you grow and innovate, you can still be dying out.

How come?

You might move in the right direction, but you might not improve and move fast enough.

You need to improve faster than the rest today, to be able to innovate for tomorrow.

You need to be able to do things better, faster, more cost-effective way today to be able to have money to innovate for tomorrow.

And every ambitious company needs to do those three things: Improve, innovate and grow.

All three.

For example, If you only do the first two and you don’t grow, then you lose your best people.

Because those best people seek opportunities. And opportunities come only with the growth.

And you have to do those things in the right order. First, you improve, then you innovate, and then you grow.

Usually, companies try to do this other way around — first they try to innovate and grow, and then if any time is left over, they try to improve.

Because of that let’s repeat this again, as it is really important to get it right:

If you don’t perform today, you won’t have cash tomorrow. First, you have to improve, only then you can innovate.

Are you improving fast enough so you would be able to innovate for tomorrow? If you are improving slower than your competitors, you won’t be able to innovate. You won’t have the money.

People who deliberately schedule and spend time working ON the business grow 3–5 times quicker than those who don’t.

You need to work IN the business today to perform and while doing that you also need to work ON the business to be better tomorrow.

It’s logical really and most of you know that.

But it’s not bad to have a reminder.

