We have opened our STO services — Security Token Offerings in European Union

Comistar Global
Published in
2 min readOct 9, 2018

Comistar Estonia has launched its security token offering platform (beta), and is now working on its first pilot projects.

To quickly recap what are security tokens: Security tokens are the same as regular securities — with an electronic wrapper. Once something is electronic, it’s easier, faster and cheaper to utilise. Security token offering is a new model of financing, enables unseen liquidity, new segment of investors and reduces costs.

How can our STO platform tokenizeu.com help the projects in launching their offerings?

Legal advisory:

Comistar helps to structure the offerings and stay compliant with the EU regulatory framework. Investors go through the AML/KYC process on our platform to be verified and eligible for investments according to the rules of the offering.


Create and issue your tokens. Customization of the token features according to the unique business model and regulatory compliance. The token has built-in rules which ensure that only eligible investors can purchase the tokens. Issuers will have a dashboard to monitor the relevant information of the offering.


Our platform partners help to work out the marketing strategy for the security token offering.

Additionally, the platform will have post-issuance token management and administration features: dividend payments, voting, messaging, etcetera.

What’s the process?

The steps of the process are quite clear and simple, though each step needs several activities to be carried out.

  1. Share your project details by using the application form at www.tokenizeu.com
  2. Legal part, choosing the jurisdiction, and structuring of the offering.
  3. Create and issue your tokens on the platform.
  4. Choose a platform partner for your marketing needs, connect with the investors etcetera.

Does tokenizeu.com only allows issuing tokens in Estonia?

Our goal is to become the main security token issuance platform in the whole European Union. We help to structure Your security token offerings in Estonia, Switzerland, Malta, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, and Netherlands. This does not exclude businesses or funds domiciled in other jurisdictions. Due to regulatory advancements in aforementioned countries, we prefer to structure the offerings using the SPVs (special-purpose vehicles) of the most suitable jurisdiction, regardless of the current EU-jurisdiction your business operates in. That said, if you do want to issue your token in any other jurisdiction, you are still welcome to use our technology platform to create and issue your tokens.


