Milky way by Skeeze

Hello world

Saurabh Bhatia
Published in
2 min readMay 7, 2017


com·ix . /ˈkämiks/ . noun

comic books and comic strips, especially ones written for adults are of an underground or alternative nature.

There are countless stories waiting to be told, countless pages waiting to be drawn, countless talented artists waiting to be discovered. Comix is an attempt to build an open eco-system and community of comic artists, colouring artists, publishers and people who just love to read comics.

Our goals

  • Distribution — To help independent comic makers and their work get discovered. Project hyperspace , which powers the marketplace website, Android and iOS applications. We believe distribution and fair revenue split is a problem that needs fixed right now.
  • Publishing — To aid them with tools that make their work more efficient and effective.
  • Marketing — Any good product needs marketing to be successful. We want to support the creators as much as possible in the process of marketing their projects and make a profit from them.
  • Discovery — We aim for our creators to get discovered by new markets and readers and will build tools that enable this.

Our values

  • Open — As a part of our commitment to be open, all the development will happen in the open domain. Our code is hosted here.
  • Transparent & Democratic— We will also use our community forums in order to carry out important conversations regarding the community. Be it existing features, new features, grievances or celebrations, we want to be together while doing it.
  • Non-competitive — We want to make a collective of people who’ve got each other’s backs, and not compete against each other.
  • Profitable — We want to make sure our platform is profitable for everyone including us ( we are small and also have a few bills to pay ourselves too :D ). We want the artists to pursue what they’re great and succeed.

We are still figuring out a lot of things around the business model, technology and product. So, we will keep you posted with our updates on development and launch in the days to come. However, we would still love to listen to thoughts on building an open and transparent community.



Saurabh Bhatia
Editor for

Programmer , Sci-fi writer, Cook, Open Source advocate.