The technology stack

Saurabh Bhatia
Published in
1 min readSep 13, 2017

We’re hard at work building comix and our technology stack is coming together nicely. Here is what it looks like at the moment. Also, the project is really early stage and I am a lone developer so please be kind 😊 .

  • Ruby 2.4
  • Rails 5.1 in api only mode.
  • PostgreSQL
  • Redis
  • Rspec for testing
  • Thredded for forums
  • sidekiq for brackground jobs.
  • Vue.js for frontend
  • Karma.js for unit testing
  • Nightwatch.js for e2e
  • A Rails app for admin.
  • Travis CI as CI server.
  • CodeClimate to check codestyling, codecoverage.
  • Gemnasium for dependency tracking.
  • Trello for issues

Our first launch is web and we will soon follow up with mobile platforms. As a part of our commitment to openness, all our repos are open source.

Our project codename is hyperspace. Following are the respective projects & links:



Saurabh Bhatia
Editor for

Programmer , Sci-fi writer, Cook, Open Source advocate.