5004, My favorite place

Katherine McCourt
COM 440: Digital Storytelling
3 min readApr 9, 2019
Canandaigua Lake

Sun shining, waves crashing, and mumbled words that fill the air. Canandaigua lake is where I feel free, my escape. The place where I can be myself, surrounded by all the people and things I love. Every time I am there, happy memories fill the air. No other place has made such an impact on my life like 5004 E Lake Rd has. As soon as spring rolls around I know it won’t be long before I am there again.

The lake is my happy place, and I cherish it with all my heart. Every year my family gets together on the 4th of July to celebrate. We do so many things when were together at the lake. There are endless boat rides, some with tubing and some without. We park the boat in the middle of the lake, or anchor it by the beach so we can go for a refreshing swim. We go paddle boarding and kayaking, and sometimes we even play king of the hill on the kayak or the paddle board. We swim to the neighbor’s raft and then soon get yelled at to get off. Then we have a big cook out for dinner and calm down for the evening.

Before the night is over, we usually go on one last boat ride while the sun is setting. In my opinion it is hands down the best time to go on a boat ride. The sun sets and we all go and do our own things before we head home. I always like to go to the end of the dock and look out at the water under the moonlight. When it hits about 9:30pm some family members start to head home. This is my least favorite part of the day because I know all of us won’t be together again until next year. At least that’s was how it used to be, until we all grew up.

Most of my cousins are all moved out and living on their own. It can get difficult to find time when we can all be together at once again. The 4th of July parties are still one of my favorite things in this entire world but they are different than what they used to be. We still do almost all of the same things but the number of family members who come keeps getting smaller year by year. Its been about five years since all of us were at the lake or anywhere together. The only time we were all together within these five years was at my cousin Denny’s wedding. Being with my extended family that day brought back all of the memories we have shared together at the lake.

Sometimes I wish I could just reverse the clock to the good days on the lake with my family. This is because it took me a long time to realize I need be grateful for the time I had with them, and by the time I realized how much those days meant to me I only had a few years to enjoy them. The one thing that always brings my family together is the lake. The lake will be one thing I know we all will remember, and the great times we have shared there together, forever.

