Characterized by her red hair, and megaphone for a voice, Florence Welch has had a tremendous inspiration to me. Lead singer of Florence and the Machine, Welch is a critically acclaimed musician, and poet. Besides her entertaining performances and artistry, Welch’s personality and lyricism has deeply touched more than any public figure has in my life. I’ve also chosen to discuss her because she has inspired my most creative outlet, which is poetry.
From a young age, I was encapsulated by the imagery and music produced by Florence and the Machine. Their songs sent an electricity throughout my body. I felt so lush in emotion and feeling. A sort of super human feeling overcame me when I’d listen to their music.
I felt so connect to each song. Each one conjured a different emotion. It felt as if I had a Rolodex to access certain feelings when I needed it. I used it to celebrate, and I used it to cure my boredom. It wasn’t until I became a senior and used it to console myself.
Before I graduated from high school, Florence and the Machine campaigned their newest album, How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful (HBHBHB). A concept album about self-examination, overcoming dependent emotions, and heartbreak. I underestimated how much I would enjoy the album, since I didn’t believe I could relate to those emotions. However, I started to connect to the album’s material sooner than anticipated.
One of their promotional singles was called “St. Jude”, about she connects with the titular catholic saint of lost causes. Days after it’s release, I got into an explosive argument with my mother, for personal reasons I’ll keep to myself, we have never had a fight like that. The intensity of defying and stand up against my mother felt like my entire world had shifted. At the time she was really the only friend I had. I felt very lost and misunderstood. The album’s sudden presence in my life felt like the biggest gift to me.
As I went through my freshman year of college, used the album to guide me through times of ecstasy and heartbreak. I experienced numerous growing pains that could be attributed to the themes of the album. Throughout my college years, I would find myself at the threshold of a very intense experience. While navigating how I to feel, Florence put out new music that was there to console me.
While its purely coincidental, Florence’s music has manifested in multiple ways to guide me through numerous life changes. Even Florence’s personality was comforting. I resonated with her shy, yet joyful demeanor, as well as her fashion sense. She had evolved to an idol of mine.
Florence and her machine stand as a prominent figure in my life. The irony is that I have never met them, nor been to a concert of theirs. The highs and lows of emerging adulthood, I wasn’t judged or criticized by this band. Their music became a safe space to heal and grow. I find it very touching to be so influenced by people so far removed from you in physical reality.