Elevator Pitch

COM 440: Digital Storytelling
3 min readApr 24, 2019
Love my “people”

Over the years, I have been coached on the perfect elevator pitch to answer the question, “What do you do?” Rarely an easy feat, but even more so at this stage in my life, it seems near impossible. To be able to explain in a pinch of time, under 118 seconds to be exact, that I am a Catholic wife, mother, grandmother, student, daughter, aunt, and more. Listing every role I inhabit and take an active interest in is not the hard part. It is more the unpacking of those roles where I tend to blur lines and, if focusing too much, get overwhelmed.

Maybe it would be more effective to say that what I do is travel this journey of life, being fascinated by and attempting to love each person who steps on this path no matter how many steps of their own match mine. Many times, a pause is necessary to figure out my next step and I’m grateful for a close friend’s wise advice which reminded me to look at “what is right in front of me.” Often what is needing my time and attention is not a thing but a person- my husband, children, neighbor, family member, etc. This has been most helpful in getting me out of my self-focus and leading me to look at the needs of others.

There’s no denying I have interests and desire to follow my passion to write and speak stories of all kinds. I find it interesting that I am drawn to people, which fits this advice to look at what or who is right in front of me. Stories that are relatable involve people. People of all walks of life with varying opinions, talents, and mindsets. I believe each person is born with a gift to offer the world; a specific gift born to enhance their generation. I would like to encourage people to offer this gift.

One of my roles is a Communication student. Thirty years ago, studying Communication meant my learning about the world of broadcasting. Today, after thirty years which include military service, four brief stints back in University, and twenty years of marriage and raising a family- which made those breaks of college necessary, Communication means helping people share their message while keeping the door of relating to one another open. My journey hasn’t always been easy. I’m grateful for the hardships that allow me to understand and connect with others in a way that wouldn’t have been possible if I hadn’t had my share of difficulties. The same can be said of my joyous days. The human experience was meant to be shared. The sharing is my honor.

What do I do?

I live this shared human experience and revel in the intricacies of unique personalities and individual perspectives. I relish insights gained from journeys of others and give voice to the stories that accompany their growth. (15 seconds)

I love people and want to share their stories. (2.2 seconds)

Maybe one day we’ll meet on an elevator and you can tell me which you prefer.

