What I do……..Music

Durrell McDonald
COM 440: Digital Storytelling
4 min readNov 17, 2016

My ongoing interest would definitely be music, both listening and creating music. My experiences with listening to music started when I was about 11 years old at least consciously it did. Around that age was where I began to understand what I was listening too besides just listening to it without thinking about the meaning or message of the song. What interest me was not what the artist were saying but rather how they were saying it was what caught my interest the most about music. The sound of the music was always great but once I began really listening my interest starting growing stronger. Before my knowledge of music was nothing compared to what it is now, in terms of sound, lyrics, samples, styles etc. My knowledge of music has grown so much from listening to different genres of music. From growing up listening to rap and hip-hop to now listening to EDM and country music. From listening to one genre as I got older it peaked my interest into listening to other parts types of music because I didn’t want to be closed minded.

There wasn’t just one single event but rather multiple feelings that helped affect my decision to pursue my interest. I would always have this feeling of comfort and relief when listening to music or an uplifting feel of excitement, music always placed me in the perfect mood I was feeling at that specific moment.

The people who influenced me the most were artist named Joe Budden, Ab-soul, Eminem, and The Weeknd. Each one of these artist have been my favorites for all different reasons but their music has been the most influential on me not just for music purposes but for life.

Joe Budden has always been my favorite artist over everyone. He was the first person who I began listening too who I felt had a great connection with within his music at such a young age. the lyrics he would place in his music talked to me as a father figure when my father wasn’t around so it felt as though this man i had never met at the time was who i was looking for for guidance as i grew older.

Ab-soul is an artist who I didn’t listen too until later when I was in college. His music was so powerful and educational I was highly invested into his music for his intellect. His music made me want to learn more outside of what I was being taught in school and the reasoning for me highly endowed into listening to conscious music.

Now Eminem is a well know artist who is known for his language and how he displays it to the public. I always liked Eminem for his music it wasn’t until I had gotten older to understand what he was saying but was still relatively young, I don’t even think I was in my teenage years yet before I began listening to Eminem and understanding his message. But it was how he got his message across and the specific words he used that always had me rewinding my CD player. It was like he was reading a dictionary to me when he was rapping but also telling me a story which I thought was and still too this day one of the best artist in terms of lyrics and grabbing attention. Now the Weeknd is an R&B artist who when I first started listening to him I didn’t like him. His sound of music wasn’t all too interesting to me and I used to think that he yelled a lot in his music. I began to give him another listen to see if my mind would change and that it did. Once I actually started listening to his message he was also a person I had a very strong connection too with their music in terms of relationships. After a while I used to feel like everything that he was talking about was going on with me in my life and he was the only person that understood me.

My interest for music hasn’t really affected my life as a whole but it has always been a dream for music to actually do so and take me places. I would say that Music has affected other peoples lives as well as mines and how music was able to help me i want to do the same thing. The highlight of my vocation was that I was able to start producing and writing lyrics myself as well as for other people which was a great start for having music change my life.

List of my personal meaningful Songs by these artist

Joe Budden-Pray for Me

Joe Budden- Ayo

Eminem- Rock bottom

Eminem- Talkin’ 2 Myself

Ab-Soul- Beautiful Death

Ab-Soul- Closure

The Weeknd- Shameless

The Weeknd- Montreal

