Cecil Burkhart
Published in
2 min readAug 31, 2018


FOX news and MSN California Gun Bill

The articles that I chose are very recent they have to do with the California law that is trying to allow certain people to report gun owners to the government if they believe they are a threat to them selves or to others. The two media outlets I am comparing is Fox news and MSN news.

In the Fox news article they emphasis what the current law states that. Which is that only family and law enforcement are able to petition the court for the removal of the owners guns. They also go on to say who in the new law would be able to petition the courts for the removal. In the MSN article they state the previous law but when talking about the new law they don’t mention who would have the power to petition the courts. It is a very misleading statement. Fox news states who would have the power but MSN does not. Those that read the MSN article would be very concerned that someone who doesn’t even know them could petition the courts for removal.

MSN does a good job of not playing on the fears of the people. They stick to what they are covering and don’t go looking for outside influences. In the FOX article they go as far to bring in quotes from prominent gun activist, as well as putting a study done on the British gun rights. Putting these excerpts in, go to play on the fear of the general public that the government is going to take away our guns. Showing these things are playing on the emotional appeal that people have towards there guns.

The differences between the two articles are sure to illicit a different response for each reader. Some will be content with what they read while others will feel upset.

