Josias Parker
Published in
2 min readSep 28, 2018


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It is no surprise that ones political affiliation has an obvious presence in the manner of writing news. Though my relationship with politics isn’t as strong a college attending student should. After quizzing myself I guess my closet match is with social liberalism. This makes sense considering that I am sucker for social movements, improving the overall treatment of all, and battling any ideas of social inequality.

So today we’re going to evaluate an article from the Daily Kos, written by Laura Clawson, titled

Republicans can’t stop stumbling on the campaign trail against veterans

Clearly from the wording of the article’s title, we can sense a bias towards Republicans with the phrase “can’t stop stumbling”. Clawson opens her article stating

Republicans have spent decades strutting about, posturing as the party of national security and the military and Supporting Our Troops … but it turns out that when faced with Democratic opponents who are veterans, Republicans repeatedly trip over their own poses.

From the jump it seems as if Clawson has a bit of animosity towards Republicans and how they’re stances contradict their actions. Specifically dealing with matters that concern Democrats, Clawson portrays Republicans as imposters claiming a false sense of moral for our counties veterans.

Clawson continues in her article with a handful of Republican advertisements, in which exemplify accusations against Democratic candidates who are veterans. Clawson ended her article claiming

Laying out policy differences is fair game — veterans don’t get a free pass. But after insisting for years that veterans do get that fair pass and that Democrats are woefully out of touch and outright disrespectful, it’s funny to watch Republicans struggle with the rules they themselves set up. Then again, Republicans never expect to have their rules for Democrats applied to themselves.

We see here that Clawson is targeting the inconsistent rhetoric of Republicans in regard to veterans getting a free pass. Then once Democrats take on the same stance, shaming them. After providing that example, Clawson slams Republicans with a sneak diss claiming that “Republicans never expect to have their rules for Democrats applied to themselves”. This is where bias of party is shown most evident. Rather than simply reporting the point, Clawson throughout the article exposes her personal feelings about the Republican Party.

