Trump is a (fill in the blank)__

Kaylie Weideman
Published in
2 min readSep 14, 2018

Trump seems to be playing the game fill in the blank with his speeches to the public. Some of his thoughts he expresses make sense, but at the same time they don’t. When Trump gives his public speeches he uses what is called a enthymeme. This basically is an argument not stating what the argument is about but having the public assume they know what he’s talking about without actually stating it.

Yeah, it doesn’t really make much sense but it’s actually pretty clever.

For an example, I remember seeing a post about 2 years ago on an argument Trump made against Megyn Kelly, a Fox News host, saying she had “blood coming out of her wherever”. Now there is a way of looking at it like she is a hormonial and irrational woman who is having her ‘time of the month’ and acting out towards Trump, but this example shows how he used an enthymeme to make people take it that way. He’s implying that she’s in the wrong.

I feel not only does this persuade his statement but he makes his audience persuade themselves that they assume that’s what he is meaning. As said in the article, several people were furious with the comment Trump had implied.

Some of the tweets sent on Twitter about this are:

Carly Fiorina✔@CarlyFiorina

Mr. Trump: There. Is. No. Excuse.

10:41 PM — Aug 7, 2015

George E. Pataki✔@GovernorPataki

Sad but predictable meltdown from Trump. With all due respect to @megynkelly the outrage at Trump’s divisive language is long overdue.

11:17 PM — Aug 7, 2015

So after finding this enthymeme on Trump, my only question is- Does he actually plan his speeches to make his audience “fill in the blank”????


