Fools for Love

Published in
3 min readMar 2, 2018

If you have homophobia, I suggest you kindly leave.

Thank you~

Fools is a song by Troye Sivan about a love story between two men. Troye is known for being a publicly gay artist and, as such, he puts out very controversial content. Fools is the second video out of a three video series on the love between him and his childhood friend. The verses of this song in particular explain that Troye has imagined a life with the man he loves, “I see swimming pools and living rooms and aeroplanes I see a little house on a hill and children’s names I see quiet nights poured over ice and Tanqueray But everything is shattering and it’s my mistake.” It’s clear that though Troye wants a life with this man, the situation they’ve been placed in makes it impossible.

The music video shows an abusive father who won’t accept his son being gay and at one point you hear the father yell, “If I see him back here one more time, I’ll kill both of you.” The man breaks up with Troye and starts dating a woman to please his father. The chorus of the song says, “Only fools fall for you, only fools Only fools do what I do, only fools fall,” and many people believe Troye says he’s a fool because he lets himself fantasize a life with his love, all the while knowing the impossibilities that fantasy holds.

Troye walks past his former love heartbroken to see him holding hands with someone else, and even more knowing that he doesn’t love her, since he’s gay. The whole video brings up this issue of living to please other people, and in this case the love interest gave up who he loved just to please his father. If you live your life trying to please someone else you’ll never be happy. You simply can’t please someone else entirely. If everyone lived to please someone else and no one lived to experience happiness for themselves, then no one would ever truly be happy.

Another issue this video brings up, and probably the more obvious issue, is that of gay love. Though gay marriage is now legal in all states, gay acceptance is still being fought for. Homophobia, though not as common as it used to be, is still a thing, guys! Troye just wants to make music and tell his stories in the way he feels and experiences them, and he should be able to without any worry of homophobia or hate, but such is the world we live in.

Everyone is just living to find some sort of happiness and for many of us we find that in the love and acceptance of another human being. Love definitely makes people do crazy things. In the end, we are all fools for love.

I highly recommend checking out the other two music videos in this three video series to find out what happens and to indulge in Troye’s artistic style.

Check out the music video here!



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