
Megan Burns
Published in
2 min readMar 22, 2018

One of my favorite artists right now is Ella Mai. One of my favorite’s is her song “Naked.” She talks about how she is just real, and wants to know if a man can love her like that. She feels like she is vulnerable without the shelter of her looks. She says that she needs someone who can love her at her worst.

I need someone who loves me when I wake up
Who thinks I’m beautiful when I’m looking fucked up
I want the perfect love, am I asking too much
Someone who shoots for the stars
No one that thinks I’m never good enough

Her one request is that a man can love her without makeup, clothes, and accessories. This falls under the idea that she difines her worth under the male gaze. She thinks she has to be pleasing to a man, and give him what he wants to see. But, she breaks the mold by requesting he love her without all of that.

Take away the big shirts, the tattoos, the sweatpants and Vans. Okay, I don’t wear no makeup, no purse in my hands. My resting bitch face is mistaking for the mean girl, but what if I told you there’s nothing I want more in this world.

Than somebody who loves me naked

She sets an example of what the basis of a relationship should be. It shouldnt be just the girl trying to impress the guy. It is about her being her and not what society says she should be. She is just honest that, she isn’t all rainbows and butterflies. She has flaws and she knows it. Unlike the common misconception of women, she isn’t going to “sit still and look pretty.” Ultimately, she is saying that she is human and it isn’t going to be easy. But, she will be naked and vulnerable if you can love her that way.

Might be a bitch in the morning so catch me at night time
Some of my friends think I’m moody but I think I’m just fine
I could be pissed but I act like I’m not
I really remember when I say I forgot
No matter how hard I try
To run away from love at the end of the night

