Relationships… I Don’t Want Love

Josias Parker
Published in
2 min readApr 30, 2018

Are men afraid of relationships?!? Unfortunately I wont be providing the answer to this question in this article but we will discuss the nature of this historical question!

“Relationships” by Didda Joe

Listening to vocal artist Didda Joe’s song titled “Relationships”, we will interpret Joe’s perspective on relationships. Joe begins the song by describing, “So tired of you always letting all your past, relationships steal your heart and hold you back. Don’t tell me that you love me, as a matter fact you can have it back cause I don’t want love”. Joe is describing a personal relationship in which a woman that he has feelings for, unfortunately still has emotional ties to an old relationship. Joe continues to sing, “I just wanna live and make love to bad b****** who don’t want relationships. I know its bad but I don’t want to hear, cause when I wanted that, you didn’t want to give…I don’t want love… Don’t want to be the one to fall in love when you want someone else”. Joe exposes at this point of the song his fear of rejection and also his pain from giving love and it not being received. Rather than investing time into building a relationship, the fear of the unknown lead Joe to completely disregard love indefinitely.

Is it within the nature of men to eliminate their emotions whenever the possibility of being hurt is present? I have personally witnessed many accounts in which male friends or family members decided to break up with their significant others “before they break up with me”. I believe that this instinctual reflex may be a coping mechanism for men to cope with their emotions. Society generally considers dealing with one’s emotions as a feminine trait. Thus encouraging men from childhood to habitually ignore and restrain themselves from ever showing their feelings. This never-ending internal prison may be a leading reason to why men tend to reject the idea of love?!?

Or maybe not… who knows the real truth? All I know is that I love this song but I also love, love. I know its confusing.

