Sweet Home Housewife and Fashion Designer

Hope Brakenhoff
Published in
3 min readFeb 16, 2018

Reese Witherspoon is known for playing strong female leads in movies. She has even created her own production company that focuses specifically on creating strong female characters in movies. They strive to create movies that accurately represent “real” women. Witherspoon has an impressive career that dates back to when she was just a little girl. One of Witherspoon’s well-known roles was in the movie Sweet Home Alabama.

Sweet Home Alabama focuses on Melanie Carmichael, a country girl turned fashion designer who left Alabama for a successful and independent life in New York. Not only did she leave Alabama, but she left her high school sweetheart who she married right out of high school. The movie follows Melanie as she travels back to Alabama after her highly successful boyfriend, also the mayor’s son(played by Patrick Dempsey), proposes to her. She is forced to return home to convince Jake(played by Josh Lucas) to sign divorce papers before her new fiancé finds out about her past.

Upon arriving home and re-encountering her husband, whom she hasn’t seen in seven years, old feelings are stirred up. The movie explores their relationship and the reasons it ended and the reasons she left and it eventually leads to Melanie choosing her high school sweetheart.

The movie shows how strong of a southern woman Melanie is. Melanie is an extremely successful fashion designer who thrives in New York and the independent lifestyle she has there. In the end, she chooses to have both. Based on the pictures shown at the end of the movie, you can see that they moved to New York where she is still a fashion designer and he has opened up his glass making store there.

Personally, I really enjoy this movie and I love Reese Witherspoon as an actress. She always picks characters that are strong. When looking a little closer at Sweet Home Alabama, I really admired the way that she came to understand that she could still have her dreams and be with the man she loves. I think this movie does a decent job at portraying a strong woman who isn’t going to give up her dreams, but also still wants to be a wife and a mom. I think you can have it both and that is what Melanie does.

